HSE and QA

The mission of the MolaJaya Ship Management Group is to provide our customers with competent, safe, environmentally sound and cost effective services. We are committed to continuously developing our systems and skills in a proactive approach, ensuring that all employees, whether onshore or onboard are committed to MolaJaya's corporate philosphy of "We Manage Ships Safely".

We strive to exceed best industry practice and standards for Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality Ship Management and all our onshore and sea staff are continuously assessed and trained through relevant courses and seminars to improves their Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality awareness.

We are committed to complying with, and where possible exceeding, all relevant national and international environmental legislation and regulations, and to implement industry best practice to a level of performance exceeding the expectations of our customers.

To achieve these goals we actively encourage feedback and input from both our customers and employees in a constant effort to improve our services. We operate to the following reference standards in all our daily operations;

ISM Code


ISO 9001

ISO 14001




OHSAS 18001

We fully recognise the impact of sea transport on the environment and we are committed to preventing and eliminating pollution in all forms and to implement measures to continually improve our environmental performance.

Environmental issues are incorporated into business planning of all MolaJaya Group activities along with the monitoring of technology improvements in consideration of an improved environmental performance.

MolaJaya has a duty of care and to ensure adequate and appropriate measures are taken to protect the environment both ashore and at sea.

We constantly review existing and pending legislation in respect of environmental protection and in conjunction with reports and recommendations received from the vessels and our global offices, we complete an annual review which results in the implementation of key improvements.

HSE & QA Objectives

All our business areas have in place a formal HSE&Q improvement process to ensure that we systematically and proactively manage all phases of our work and that we focus our efforts on problem prevention rather than problem detection.

MolaJaya has established HSE&Q objectives at all relevant functions and levels. These objectives are measurable and consistent with our HSE&Q policies and our continual improvement commitment. They also provide for safety at sea and environment protection by continuously improving Health, Safety and Environmental management skills of personnel on board and in the office.

HSE & QA Policy

We support a corporate philosophy that demands total work force involvement in the policy of "We Manage Ships Safely". We require every employee to recognise, report and attempt to correct any potentially unsafe condition and participate in finding ways to reduce and mitigate safety risks. This corporate safety culture is a vital part of training for all staff and is supported by everyone working with the MolaJaya Ship Management Group whether ashore or on our managed vessels.

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