Two Brittany fishing companies join forces to achieve MSC certification

Two Brittany fishing companies join forces to achieve MSC certification

Oct 02, 2009

Scapêche and the Compagnie des Pêches Saint-Malo are seeking certification under the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) standard for sustainable and well-managed fisheries for their saithe fisheries in the north-east Atlantic Ocean, the North and the Norwegian Seas.

About the fishery

If successful, nine vessels from the Scapêche fleet as well as a vessel from the Compagnie des Pêches Saint-Malo will be awarded MSC certification and saithe from both these fisheries will be eligible to bear the MSC ecolabel. In 2008, 4,000 tonnes of saithe were caught by the two fishing companies. This species from the North-East Atlantic Ocean is widely distributed among fishmongers.

Julien Lamothe, Secretary-General of the National Association of Producers' Organisations (ANOP) which is leading the certification project, said: "Scapêche and the Compagnie des Pêches Saint-Malo have joined forces with the view to achieving MSC certification in order to earn recognition for their sustainable fishing practices and meet market demands. These two fishing companies would like to offer their clients the option to buy seafood from a certified well-managed and sustainable source with the MSC stamp of approval." In addition, Patrick Soisson, CEO of the Compagnie des Pêches Saint-Malo added: "We plan to apply for MSC certification for other species such as cod and haddock."

What the MSC says

Nicolas Guichoux, MSC Regional Director – Europe, commented: "Digemer mad (“welcome” in Breton) to both these fisheries. Saithe is a traditional target species from the region. I would like to take the opportunity to invite stakeholders to come forward and get involved in the certification process. If the outcome is positive, this fishery will be able to benefit from the growing European demand for saithe from well-managed and sustainable fisheries. I would like to extend my best wishes to Scapêche and Compagnie des Pêches Saint-Malo for this joint certification process."

Edouard Le Bart, Commercial Manager for the MSC in France added: "This is the third French fishery to enter full assessment. This move confirms a growing interest from the French fishing industry in sustainable seafood. The MSC programme is gaining momentum in France. This wouldn't be possible without the entry of French fisheries in the MSC programme. I hope that Scapêche and the Compagnie des Pêches Saint-Malo will provide a wealth of insights. If the outcome is positive, this will help increase the number of MSC-labelled products available to French consumers."

The certifier

The assessment will be carried out by an independent certifier, MacAlister Elliott and Partners Ltd which will be assisted by an independent scientific team.

About Scapêche

Scapêche is the fishing company of the French retailer Groupement des Mousquetaires. Scapêche has a fleet of 16 fishing vessels and 220 sailors and officers who fish in French territorial waters in the Atlantic and Antarctic oceans. Its sailors fish, process and pack seafood designated for general consumption in markets in Europe, Asia Pacific and America. Following the experience of its own internal "Sustainable fishing" initiative, launched in 2004 (which encompasses four vessels and six species, fresh and frozen), Scapêche is keen to further its own sustainable development strategy with the pursuit of MSC certification.

About Compagnie des Pêches

Compagnie des Pêches is a Limited company part of the Compagnie des Pêches Saint-Malo. It owns an 18-vessel fleet which operates in the fishing areas of France, Norway, in the Faroe islands, in Greenland as well as in Guyana. The Compagnie des Pêches Saint-Malo has 170 sailors and officers. Its at-sea staff fish, process, pack and freeze on-board seafood designated for human consumption in Europe, Asia and Northern Africa.
Awarded a "sustainable development oscar" in 2005, the Compagnie des Peches wishes to further develop its internal sustainable development strategy with the pursuit of MSC certification.

About National Association of Fish Producers' Organisations (ANOP)

National Association of Fish Producers' Organisations (ANOP) is formed of eight fish producers' organisations, recognized by European laws, and distributed along the French coastline (North sea, the English channel, the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea).The ANOP is responsible for the orderly management of fisheries in order to foster sustainable fishing practices. The association also plays an important role in the promotion of fisheries products by working very closely with the first points of sale after landing as well as a wide range of stakeholders. The association is responsible for representing the views and opinions of its members at local, national and European level. It is also in charge of coordinating its actions with other European producers' organisations.

Further information

For more information on fisheries engaged in the MSC programme, please visit:

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