
Recruitment and supply an Indonesian seafarer
인도네시아 어선 대원 기관

Nuestros marineros altamente profesionales que trabajan en los barcos:
palangre de atún
calado automático
La pesca de arrastre PESCA
redes de enmalle

船での作業私たちの高度なプロの船員: マグロ延縄 オート延縄 釣りトローリング 巾着網 刺網

Recruitment and supply an Indonesian seafarer to international and domestic shipping operations.
It has been in the Crew Manning business since 1984 with a number of clients in several countries that operates merchant ships, cruise ship and fishing vessels either Complete Crew Management.

We are professional in sending the required crew directly from Jakarta to country destination thus making it most efficient and economical mobilization of crews.

 The crewman will be sent when we have the list of crewman required and letter of guarantee issued by the company principals. With a quality system, highly qualified staff and an extensive network of sub contractors 

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