Anchovy capture suspended once more

Anchovy vessel. (Photo: Produce)
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Friday, May 30, 2014, 03:50 (GMT + 9)

The Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) decided to suspend the catch of anchovy (Engraulis rigens) and longnose anchovy (Anchoa nasus) in the south of the country for five calendar days to safeguard the sustainability of these fisheries.
The measure was recommended by the Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE) following the detection of a high concentration of juvenile specimens in the southern region of the Peruvian coast.
The fishing activities were suspended before, from 17 to 21 May for the same reason.
The new suspension of the fishing activity comes into effect from the zero hour on Thursday 29 May in the area between 16°30' and 16°59', within the 10 nautical miles of the coast.
The measure affects the artisanal fishing vessels, both minor and larger scale ones.
IMARPE will track and monitor key biological, population and fishing signs of the two resources to ensure their protection.

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