APROMAR shows uncertainty about aquaculture strategic plan results

Marine cages for farming fish. (Photo: MAPA)
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Sunday, July 13, 2014, 00:20 (GMT + 9)

The Spanish Strategic Aquaculture Plan (ESAP) agreed by the central Government with the autonomous communities does not convince the aquaculture sector, which distrusts its results and insists that the main problem is the lack of support from public administrations.
The plan, which will be submitted in October to the European Commission, together with the objectives within the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) considers, among other things, the simplification of the legal framework and the improvement of the spatial planning of coastal and river areas so that Spain can lead European aquaculture by 2030.
The Business Association of Marine Aquaculture Producers (APROMAR) congratulated the Spanish Aquaculture Observatory (OESA) for its work in developing the plan, but it highlights concerns about how it will be enforced.
According to APROMAR, ESAP drafting is a consequence of the reluctant implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) of the European Union (EU) by the Spanish public administrations as regards their obligations under the new European paradigm of the open coordination method among Member States.
For aquaculture to be developed as a competitive sector and to grow in the coming years, APROMAR argues that it is "necessary to substantially increase current production so as to reduce the extraordinary dependence on fish imports and meet the needs, generating wealth and jobs" demanded by Spain, respecting the environment.
"This Strategic Plan comes at a critical time for the Spanish aquaculture, which is undergoing a period of uncertainty about its future, with an almost total regulation blockade in its development and increasing difficulties with public administrations," emphasizes the organization.
The association believes that the ineffectiveness of the competent Spanish public administrations in aquaculture in the past 10 years hampered investments for EUR 600 million. Besides, it prevented the creation of 1,700 high quality direct jobs and 2,500 indirect ones and led the FEP community funds for EUR 120 million to be missed.
According to APROMAR, these circumstances stopped the Spanish marine aquaculture production from growing further 50 per cent.
Besides, it understands that if the public administrations in aquaculture are alone, they will not dare or will not know how to solve the situation.
"The aquaculture stoppage situation from the public administrations has multiple causes and responsible parties but it roots in two underlying factors on which all the others depend," APROMAR stated in a release.
The slow administrative procedures and lack of transparency in the processes are some of the urgent problems to address. Therefore, the association considers it is a priority for the objectives of the Plan to be developed, including streamlining procedures, granting concessions, improving labeling and equal opportunities.
APROMAR says it trusts the potential that the Spanish aquaculture has and offers its cooperation to make constructive contributions, "but it believes it is essential to first ascertain the diagnosis of the situation in order to find the solution."

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