Sockeye salmon. (Photo Credit: Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
Tuesday, August 26, 2014, 02:00 (GMT + 9)
The migration of sockeye through marine and lower Fraser River assessment areas as well as past the Mission hydroacoustic site has increased over the past week. And it is estimated that there are over three million fish that have reached this river, revealed the Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC).
The PSC informed that despite the small increases recorded in the purse seine test fishery catches on the Juan de Fuca route over the last few days, extremely high fractions of Fraser sockeye continue to be migrating via the Johnstone Strait route, an estimate of more than 95 per cent for the past week.
An observer at Hells Gate has also reported increased sockeye migration over the past week with fish being in good condition.
On the other hand, the Panel of Fraser River determined that the estimated escapement of Early Summer-run sockeye past Mission is 1,015,200 fish for fish passing through by 21 August.
The Commission also stated that it is still too early to estimate seasonal escapement of late-run sockeye past Mission, though 351,000 of these fish had already arrived by 21 August.
Nevertheless, the Georgia Strait Alliance has maintained that a good return of sockeye "does not let fish farms off the hook".
"True recovery requires healthy returns across the many different subgroups of Fraser River sockeye and for multiple years in a row. The maintenance of sockeye diversity in the Fraser is key as it maximizes the sockeye's ability to adapt over the long term, and maximizes the chance of a healthy return every year."
The non-government organisation adds: “We are celebrating a magnificent abundance of returning Sockeye.The run is beyond our wildest dreams and some say it's the largest in recorded history. Does this mean all is well and it turns out that open net cage fishfarms are not doing the damage we thought they were? Not quite.”
The group stresses all the factors contributing to the huge sockeye return to the Fraser River are unknown.