SMMI - Sunderland Marine Mutual Insurance Co., Ltd. - Headquarters


Sunderland Marine has become an established leader in the insurance of commercial fishing vessels, small passenger craft, tugs, barges and harbour service vessels as well as aquaculture risks by offering a comprehensive range of covers to protect Members interests.
Affirming our commitment to mutuality has allowed the Company to follow the ethos of providing exemplary service and protection, and first class security at an economic premium. Underwriting and claims staff are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the year. 
Marine: Contact our marine hull underwriters for products and services, including cover for Hull & Machinery, Liability and associated risks.
Aquaculture: Contact our aquaculture department for products and services, including cover for stock, equipment and support craft.
Salvus House, Aykley Heads
City: Durham
State: England (DH1 5TS)
Telephone: +44 1913 740 400
Fax: +44 191 3740 484
Homepage: Link to Homepage

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