Anchovy prospected in hake closed area

Anchovy, Engraulis anchoita. (Photo: Inidep)

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Monday, September 22, 2014, 22:10 (GMT + 9)
The Federal Fisheries Council (CFP) approved a plan for a maximum of eight vessels entering the hake closed area (ZVM) from today to conduct a survey of anchovy (Engraulis anchovy) for 10 days.
The ZVM sector that will be studied includes from the area east of longitude 63° W to the north of 44° S.
The decision was made due to the decline in yields of anchovy between August and September, which was an unexpected situation years ago.
While owners of large scale vessels intended to operate with gill nets in the ZVM, scientists at the National Institute of Fisheries Research and Development (INIDEP) considered appropriate to begin with a survey.
Under the programme, a minimum of four ships must have experience in fisheries directed towards anchovy, and must carry observers onboard.
In addition, vessels will have to perform casts during the day, between 7.00 am and 7.00 pm.
The Chamber of High Seas Fishing Vessels and the Union of Argentine Fishing Interests believe it is possible that the resource has moved to the closed area.
Currently, low quality specimens are being caught, of a size of 45-50 pieces per kilogram.
According to the data collected by the scientists onboard the ship Oca Balda, "it was observed that particularly at night it is usual to obtain hake (Merluccius hubbsi) captures with this kind of gear because of the behavior in pelagic scattered layers of both species,"Pescare informed.
Furthermore, the Acoustic group also noted that during the day, and in breeding seasons, the common hake tend to change their demersal for a demersal-pelagic one, a circumstance that in some way or other makes it similar with the anchovy.
The Undersecretariat for Fisheries and Aquaculture reported that between 1 January and 18 September 2014, a total of 754.6 tonnes of anchovy and 172,572.5 tonnes of hake was captured.
Meanwhile, between the first day of 2013 and 31 August of that year, 5118.5 tonnes of anchovy and 173,820.8 tonnes of common hake were landed.
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