Atlantic Salmon Grown in RAS Result in a "Best Choice" Ranking

Kuterra's sustainable aquaculture system helps to create the best possible environment for growing salmon.

  (CANADA, 10/29/2014)
Atlantic salmon farmed in recirculating aquaculture systems have earned the top sustainability ranking by the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program.
The Monterey Bay Aquarium assessment examined three land-based facilities currently operating globally: Kuterra, in British Columbia, Canada; The Conservation Fund Freshwater Institute in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA; and Atlantic Sapphire in Hvide Sande, Denmark. All three received the top, green ranking.
Due to the closed characteristics of recirculating aquaculture systems and the low risk of environmental impact, Atlantic salmon grown in RAS result in a "Best Choice" ranking.
According to the program, land raised Atlantic salmon systems is a "Best Choice" for consumers. These on-land production systems separate the fish from the surrounding environment and the risk of environmental impacts from pollution, escapes, and diseases are all low.
Kuterra use 30 percent less feed than ocean fish farms.
Currently, only small volumes of Atlantic salmon are farmed in recirculating aquaculture systems, limiting the availability of this product. In the marketplace or in restaurants, this fish will be labelled as "land-based" or "tank-based" salmon. All salmon is known is sake when prepared as sushi.
Kuterra land raised Atlantic salmon is raised in a clean, efficient, closed aquaculture system on land. Its system creates the conditions that foster the best possible health, and minimize the conditions that cause stress.
"We are delighted that the third-party assessment conducted by the Monterey Bay Aquarium has validated Kuterra operations as one of the most sustainable Atlantic salmon aquaculture operations globally," says Garry Ullstrom, Kuterra CEO.
"Environmental sustainability is the goal at the heart of Kuterra’s mission, and this ranking shows we're achieving that."
Kuterra's  Atlantic salmon is sustainable and traceable.
The 'Namgis First Nation’s salmon farm on Northern Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada, introduced its Kuterra-branded salmon earlier this year in Safewaystores in western Canada. Salmon from Kuterra is also approved by the Vancouver Aquarium’s Ocean Wise program.
About Kuterra Salmon
Kutala means salmon in the language of the 'Namgis people. Terra means land. And Kuterra means salmon from the land.
Kuterra is also a business, fully owned by the 'Namgis First Nation, and supported in different ways by people and groups locally and internationally.
The system cleans and recirculates 98% of the water.
The Kuterra mission is to bring the most environmentally sound, safe and healthy farmed salmon to people who care about the food they eat and serve to their families.
This mission unites the 'Namgis First Nation, project partner SOS Marine Conservation Foundation, founder and advisor Tides Canada and seafood distributor Albion Fisheries.
For Kuterra land raised salmon is the future of sustainable salmon farming. It's the way to keep wild salmon and the waters they live in separate from farming, and the way to grow the best quality farmed fish.
The farm is located on Northern Vancouver Island, a kilometre from the ocean. The farm's team has years of international training and expertise in raising many different species of fish.
Kuterra salmon increases food security because it's produced in an economical, highly efficient facility.
Source: SeafoodWatch/Kuterra

Information of the company:
Address:Box 233, 43 Gatu Street,
City:Alert Bay
State/ZIP:British Columbia (V0N 1A0)
Phone:+1 250-974-3599

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