Multimillion loss would result from not opening anchovy season

Anchovy fisheries. (Photo: YouTube/sebastian24666)

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Monday, October 27, 2014, 01:30 (GMT + 9)
The Peruvian fishing industry could experience losses of up to USD 1,200 million if the second anchovy catch season is not opened, warns the president of the Fisheries National Front of Peru, Roberto Vieira.
Moreover, this situation could trigger the collapse of medium and small fishing companies.
According to the latest report issued by Instituto del Mar de Peru (IMARPE), anchovy biomass reached a record low of 1.4 million tonnes. This level would hinder the second fishing season opening, which usually begins in early November and ends in January the following year.
The Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) asked IMARPE scientists to conduct new research to confirm these volumes and then make a final decision.
But Vieira considers it unlikely that a new study determines a higher biomass, at least the necessary one for sustainable fisheries, the newspaper El Comercio reported.
"So it is determined that there is 100 per cent more anchovy than in the previous report, it will be impossible for the fishing season to open," stated the leader.
"At least, there should be 6 or 7 million tonnes of anchovy at sea for the resource not to be affected," he added.
Besides, Vieira clarified that the pelagic resource recovery will be slow, considering that it is very likely that El Niño phenomenon causes the sea to be warm again in the following months.
Several researchers believe that, given the current circumstances, that situation is expected.
Based on the data available on 2013 second fishing season, this year the sector would stop raising revenue by capturing 2.4 million tonnes of anchovy.
"This is a very complicated scenario because we are talking about 300,000 Peruvians depending on this activity," stressed Vieira.
For the leader, a good measure would be for PRODUCE to open the fishing activity at the south of the country, where in the coming months about 400,000 tonnes can be captured.

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