Sardine and anchovy ban to be monitored

Fishing purse seiner. (Photo: IFOP)

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Friday, October 31, 2014, 21:40 (GMT + 9)
The Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SUBPESCA) requested the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) to monitor the sardine and anchovy reproductive process between the regions of Los Ríos and Bio Bio.
Both resources are subject to a ban that began at midnight on Sunday and lasts 15 days.
The decision to close the fishery was adopted after considering the recent studies conducted by the IFOP with samples of the landings performed in the ports of Talcahuano and Coronel. The analysis of the captures revealed a high rate of specimens undergoing the spawning process, over 70 per cent in the case of sardine and 95 per cent for anchovy.
In response to complaints from the artisanal sector, Lilian Troncoso, Fisheries Director of Bío Bío, stressed that such measures are taken considering the future of the fishing activity, mainly the artisanal one.
In addition, she recalled that in 2013 the sardine industry faced a very bad year due to the lack of resources, reported Radio Bio Bio.
SUBPESCA’s request to perform monitoring aims to keep a running record of the biological status of both pelagic species and their evolution during the ban period for artisanal and industrial fishermen throughout the south central area, stretching from Valparaiso to Los Rios.
"The monitoring process will give us valuable information about the results of the ban season that is in full swing and the current biological status of the resources, as it is in our interest to protect them and ensure a good season next year," argued SUBPESCA head, Raul Sunico.
SUBPESCA hopes to have the first results of the studies next week.

Sardine and anchovy could become more profitable if used for value-added preducts. (Photo: Stock File)
Sardine and anchovy wider use for DHC assessed
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Tuesday, August 19, 2014, 01:00 (GMT + 9)
Several small fishing companies believe it would be beneficial to allocate a portion of their catch of sardine (Strangomera bentincki) and anchovy (Engraulis ringens) for direct human consumption (DHC) to obtain a higher return on these resources.
Traditionally, more than 95 per cent of the catches of both pelagic species has been allocated in Chile to fishmeal and fish oil production but the new Fisheries Act in 2013 set that a quota of sardine and anchovy must be reserved for smaller-sized companies for human consumption.
Five plants of the Bío Bío Region recently managed to gain the bid of 1 per cent of the global quota of these resources, a percentage that represents about 14,000 tonnes. One such company is Inversiones Caboma, which owns a processing plant in Tirúa, Aquareported.
Francisca Rubio, commercial manager of the family business, explains that they are seeing "how to build this business based on complex resources to manage."
Companies that participated in the tender will have access to sardine and anchovy quotas for three years, a term during which products for markets will have to be developed for their trade.
According to the fisheries consultant Pablo Galilea, former head of the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SUBPESCA), entrepreneurs increasingly seek to use these resources as a direct human food source.
This redirection of the catch would have a positive impact in terms of employment and profitability, but it requires some structural improvements, such as the availability of refrigerated holds in artisanal vessels that supply the raw material.
From the sector, it is considered necessary to have the state support to assess ways for the product to reach the processing plants in good condition.
In addition, the artisanal ship owner Jose Luis Gallego, Verdemar’s partner, considers what is required is "public policies that encourage the consumption of products such as fish burgers and cakes, among others, that can make," are required.

Sardine fishing vessel. (Photo: Asipes)
Artisanal fishing advocates praise sardine and anchovy early ban
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Thursday, July 24, 2014, 23:30 (GMT + 9)
Since this morning a ban has been in effect on fishing for sardine and anchovy in the Bío Bío Region in order to maintain the sustainability of these fisheries.
The Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SUBPESCA) decided to set the reproductive biological ban 29 days earlier on both species between the regions of Valparaiso and Los Rios.
The fishing ban, which will run until 21 October, was determined on the basis of several scientific studies conducted by experts from the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP).
The vice president of the Council for the Defense of Artisanal Fisheries (CONDEPP), Nelson Estrada, assessed that the Government has decided to set an earlier ban on both pelagic species in that area of Chile.
The leader believes that "the social and economic crisis that artisanal fisheries experienced last year" was due "to the overexploitation of resources like sardine and anchovy."
"We value the Executive’s common sense when finally enacting the ban on sardine and anchovy to maintain the sustainability of the resource," Estrada said.
The reproduction of sardine and anchovy is seasonal and takes place in the winter period each year. Anyway, that does not mean temporary limits determining a starting, development and ending predetermined date.
"An earlier spawning activity has been evidenced in the southern central area of the country so we estimate it appropriate to set and earlier ban and thus reduce the risks and mortality due to parental stock capture," explained SUBPESCA head Raul Sunico.
Furthermore, he valued that the "leaders of the artisanal and industrial fisheries sectors also considered the earlier reproductive process after observing the presence of sardines with eggs in their own fishing activities."

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