One million tonnes of anchovy illegally fished, according to SNP

Anchovy capture. (Photo: NOAA)

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Friday, November 08, 2013, 23:40 (GMT + 9)
Anchovy fishing per year amounts to six million tonnes but up to one million tonnes of the pelagic resource is illegally caught, stated the president of the National Fisheries Society (SNP), Elena Conterno Martinelli.
In an interview with Diario Correo, the SNP president made a critical analysis of the new fishing quota system established by Supreme Decree 005 and of the industry outlook.
The official stressed that the fishing industry is the second most important one for the economy of Peru, behind mining, and employs about 230,000 people directly and indirectly.
On the impact of the international crisis in the Peruvian fishing industry, Conterno explained that "the anchovy is a commodity, but the growth of world income level, which requests protein, has increased the demand." And she added that "the problem has been internal."
The current industry’s great concern is the "fishing control issue", since it has been over 14 months the Supreme Decree 005 was passed and "so far the final list of the remaining smaller scale vessels has not been devised," she pointed out.
In addition, she reported that the requirement of satellite control is not in effect.
She also stressed that "there is no control of landings" and that "every week there is news as to illegal open air drying, illegal plants, illegal diversion of anchovy to fishmeal plants, instead of directing landings for human consumption," but there has been no plant closure.
With respect to the biomass of anchovy in the country, Conterno explained that there are two: the central-northern one and the one in the South, which is shared with Chile.
In the case of the former there is a good biomass but there are control issues.

Whereas the latter presents "the problem that the first rule (DS 005) sent the fleet to mile 10 and then they made a correction" and sent industrial fishing vessels to the mile 7, where it is difficult to find the anchovy. In this regard, she said that "the Ministry itself recognizes that only 3 per cent of the shoal is there."
When comparing this year with 2012, an 85 per cent fall is observed in industrial fishing catch.
When asked about the losses caused by the entry into force of Decree 005, the president said that in the southern area they believe that this year they will reach PEN 200 million (USD 70.6 million) from exports, production, and not-performed jobs.
With regard to the control of illegal fishing, she considered the "most important control must be in the landing, where minimum sizes, volumes, etc. are checked."
Besides, she emphasized that the DS 005 "leads to impunity" by establishing a unique corridor without controls.
"It is necessary to put a stop because it is affecting the sustainability of the fishery. Boats are being built even though it is forbidden. As there is no monitoring, the permits are also cloned. There is great concern about all this," she concluded.
For the SNP president, it is necessary to "devise initiatives and that the various authorities act on an articulated move: Capitanía, Produce, Public Ministry, regional governments."

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