Anchovy fishing regime for direct consumption set

Pacific anchovy. (Photo: Produce)

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Monday, January 12, 2015, 23:10 (GMT + 9)
The Ministry of Production (Produce) has established a system of Pacific and longnose anchovy catch for direct human consumption (DHC) in the area between the coast and maritime mile five, between 16°00'00" south latitude to the southern border of the Peruvian domain.
Within this zone, the strip that extends to 3.5 nautical mile will be exclusively reserved for artisanal boats up to 10 cubic meters of storage capacity. These vessels will be also enabled to operate outside the reserve area, provided they allocate their catches to DHC.
Small-scale fisheries will be allowed from nautical mile 3.5 to nautical mile 5. Fishing vessels over 10 and up to 32.6 cubic feet of storage capacity will be entitled to fish there. These vessels may also fish beyond mile 5, on the condition that caught resources are intended to DHC.
To fish in the reserve area, vessels must have artisanal fishing or small-scale permits and be equipped with Satellite Tracking System for fishing boats (Sisesat).
The industrial fleet may only engage in fishing activities outside the reserve area established by Produce.
The Peruvian Institute of Marine Affairs (IMARPE) will conduct an ongoing monitoring to assess the possible impacts on the ecosystem of Pacific anchovy catch by larger scale fleet.
Furthermore, the legislation provides that for Tacna region there will be financing for projects to strengthen the infrastructure used in the fishery and its supply chain and to increase growth, development and innovation of mariculture and it productive process. Financial support will also be provided to strengthen artisanal fisheries dedicated to DHC.
Additionally, Produce will fund projects to promote competitive markets intended to DHC that enable the sustainability of the marine environment, and improve the governance of landing management, which include the adoption of information technologies for monitoring and control, among other actions.

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