Organic, non-GMO shrimp farm ready to launch operations

Shrimp. (Photo: AlbertCahalan)

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Thursday, January 22, 2015, 03:30 (GMT + 9)
Net Zero Aqualife has already brought together most of the money needed to start production of of high-quality organic shrimp at low cost, 10 days before completing its crowdfunding campaign.
According to a statement published by the San Diego-based company, it will farm completely organic, non-GMO, self-sustained shrimp, without emitting any waste or pollution, or consuming any water or energy, through a system known as closed-loop.
Since starting the fundraising campaign in August 2014, the firm has managed to collect USD 5 million from its goal of USD 5.15 million, Croudfunder Insider reported.
The project budget is USD 35.8 million.
The aquaculture firm had stated recently, “97 percent of the equity funding [is] completed,” and added that if it could not get more funds, Net Zero Enterprises would invest the remaining amount.
The system applied aims at improving quality and reducing contamination through combined organic seafood production with water treatment systems, biomass solutions and solar farms solutions, Net Zero Enterprices stated on its website.
The shrimp produced in San Diego will have to compete with almost 91 percent that is originated elsewhere outside the US.
Net Zero Aqualife’s crowdfunding campaign emphasizes, “Most shrimp are imported from outdoor aquaculture 'farming' programs in Asia and Latin America, and more than 99 percent of U.S. shrimp are susceptible to disease, contamination, pollution, pharmaceutical substances.”
Owing to their closed loop operation, the project facility and systems are scalable, replicable, and can be placed almost anywhere.
The company also explains that the entire solution, production and the seafood is 100 per cent compliant to Whole Foods requirement specification to get the desired supply of seafood.
Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch’ program granted Net Zero Aqualife the "Best Choice" award in October 2014.

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