Important anchovy biomass recovery, with very high percentage of juveniles

Pacific anchovy catch. (Photo: Imarpe)

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015, 02:10 (GMT + 9)
A research cruise carried out in the southern region revealed that there has been a significant recovery of Pacific anchovy stock in recent months, Instituto del Mar del Peru(IMARPE) reported.
Between 15 and 27 January, IMARPE conducted a Hydroacoustic Assessment of Pelagic Resources CR. 1501 Cruise, aboard the research vessel Luis Flores Portugal, in the area between Atico and Ilo, from 0.5 nm to 50 nm away from the coast.
The assessment revealed the existence of a biomass of 607,000 tonnes, with 98 per cent of juveniles.
"The few adults found correspond to a non-spawning mature phase," the Imarpe specified.
The juveniles are very close to reaching the minimum size (12 cm) for fishing - process known as "recruitment" - which could happen in a few months.
"If environmental conditions continue their trend towards normalization and individuals remain in the southern region of the Peruvian sea, the biomass will experience a significant increase, which will mean a successful recruitment," Imarpe scientists pointed out.
This volume represents an important marine resource recovery of the species in the area between Atico (Arequipa) and Ilo (Moquegua), since in the previous assessment, conducted in October 2014, the biomass of anchovy did not exceed 244,329 tonnes.
As the southern stock consists mainly of juveniles, IMARPE recommended the Ministry of Production (Produce) to keep fishing activities closed in this region until the availability of adult stock is adequate.
To monitor and verify the status of Pacific anchovy biomass, another hydroacoustic assessment of pelagic resources cruise will be carried out in March.

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