Anchovy, Engraulis anchoita. (Photo: INIDEP)
Maximum anchovy catch limit set
Click on the flag for more information about ArgentinaARGENTINA
Tuesday, June 02, 2015, 01:00 (GMT + 9)
The Federal Fisheries Council (CFP) has decided to set the total allowable catch of the anchovy (Engraulis anchovy) stock in Buenos Aires by 120,000 tonnes, and the Patagonian stock (south of latitude 41°), at 100,000 tonnes, as it was recommended by the National Institute of Fisheries Research and Development (INIDEP).
The scientists explain that while the Buenos Aires stock is considered below its potential maximum catch, based on the population size trend, the recruitments in recent years and the particularities evidenced in the 2014 fishing season, a precautionary approach must be implemented and the fisheries deemed exploited below their potential must gradually be developed.
Meanwhile, for the Patagonian stock, given the unavailability of performing recent direct estimates of population abundance and composition or catch structure per age, INIDEP scientists estimate the recommended capture, favouring the precautionary approach, the ecological importance of the resource in the region and to prevent the fishing activity affects younger specimens.
On the other hand, through Resolution 7/15, the Council defined operational characteristics similar to those already adopted by the Joint Technical Commission for the Maritime Front (CTMFM) for the shared area with Uruguay.
The new rule states that the authorized fishing gear are the seine and the mid-water trawl nets.
Further, CFP prohibits overnight fishing, as a period in which the pelagic resource amounts to water layers near the surface and gets disperse to feed.
The Argentine government created the Commission for Analysis and Monitoring of the Pelagic Species Fisheries, which will consist of a representative of the Enforcement Authority, one of INIDEP, a representative for the province of Buenos Aires and one for Chubut.
In addition, delegates from each of the entrepreneurship chambers related to the vessels authorized to catch pelagic species and having an effective participation in these fisheries.
"The Commission will be an advisory body and will meet at least twice a year. It will submit the minutes of its meetings with the addressed issues and their conclusions to the Council," detailed the resolution.
According to statistics from the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Nation, between 1 January and 28 May 28, 2015, a total of 1,771.9 tonnes of anchovy was caught while in the first five months of this year a total of 27.9 tonnes of the pelagic resource was landed.

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