Showing posts with label Dyrkorn and Mustad co-operate on longline production. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dyrkorn and Mustad co-operate on longline production. Show all posts

Eastern Pacific bluefin tuna needs rigorous recovery plan, says WWF
Bluefin tuna specimens. (Photo: WWF)
Friday, June 26, 2015, 02:40 (GMT + 9)

Members of the fisheries commission for the Eastern Pacific assembling in Guayaquil, Ecuador, need to prioritise initiating a rigorous recovery plan to address the collapse of Pacific bluefin tuna stocks and stabilising overall tuna fishing capacity, which currently exceeds the optimal scientifically recommended level by at least 50 per cent, states WWF.

“Tuna management in the Pacific is currently totally inadequate to preserve the Pacific bluefin tuna stock. Only a significant reduction of catches and stringent measures to protect juveniles can ensure long-term sustainability of this fishery,” said Pablo Guerrero, WWF’s Eastern Pacific Ocean Tuna coordinator.
The stock is now critically low, having dropped 96 per cent according to the International Scientific Committee (ISC) for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean and scientists of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC).

The 21 country and European Union members of the IATTC took initial steps to protect the Pacific bluefin in October 2014 in largely accepting scientific advice to almost halve fishing quotas for this prized but beleaguered fish. The IATTC further agreed that no country can exceed 3,500 tonnes of catches in 2015 and that the fishing nations must establish a catch documentation system.

WWF strongly supports catch limits but demands closer monitoring of this fishery, especially of the catch numbers, to ensure that quotas are being respected. The completion of a revised stock assessment for this species is also necessary.

According to the environmental organisation, the real need is for the IATTC and sister body Western Central Pacific Tuna Commission (WCPFC) to adopt a rigorous, long-term Pacific-wide recovery plan for Pacific buefin tuna with robust harvest control rules and firm limit and reference points. Mechanisms for an adequate and adequately rapid response if bluefin populations approach the limits are also strongly needed.

Japan, Mexico, the United States and South Korea are the major countries fishing Pacific bluefin, while the main market is Japan.

WWF is also very concerned about tuna fishing over-capacity in the Eastern Pacific, which is becoming apparent through declining yellowfin and bigeye tuna stocks. Purse seine fleet captures about 90 per cent of the tuna in the Eastern Pacific. The active purse-seine capacity registered in 2015 was 272,076 cubic meters, which greatly exceeds the capacity target level of 158,000 cubic meters of total volume recommended by scientists in 2002.

“We urge the IATTC to freeze the current capacity of the fishing fleet and work toward reducing the number of vessels authorized to fish for tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean. This will also be in the best interest of the industry because it will address the problem of securing the future of tuna fisheries in the region.” said Pablo Guerrero.

IATTC scientists remain uncertain about the status of bigeye and yellowfin tuna due to current levels of fishing mortality exacerbated by the rising trend in the number of sets on Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs), and also due to a possible increase in fishing operations in the EPO. WWF urges the IATTC to monitor this situation closely and be prepared to implement stronger measures to conserve the stocks.

WWF is also urging IATTC to adopt conservation measures to limit fishing mortality of silky sharks in order to rebuild the stock of these sharks in the region, and also to totally prohibit the removal of fins at sea, requiring instead that sharks be landed with their fins naturally attached. Besides, IATTC members should adopt the scientific recommendations on best practices for handling manta rays aboard purse seiners.

Other measures WWF is calling for include the provision of additional data on movement of FADs and the implementation of the use of FADs without any entangling material deployed beneath them in order to reduce by catch of sea turtles and sharks.

Instan a Marruecos a resolver licencias de pesca para flota comunitaria

La comisaria de Pesca europea, Maria Damanaki, con el ministro de Agricultura marroquí, Aziz Akhannouch. (Foto: Stock File/FIS)
Friday, August 22, 2014, 02:20 (GMT + 9)

La Comisión Europea (CE) pidió al Gobierno marroquí que resuelva el tema de las licencias de pesca para las embarcaciones comunitarias, especialmente las procedentes de Cádiz.
El 15 de julio pasado, entró en vigencia el acuerdo pesquero firmado entre la Unión Europea (UE) y Marruecos, que permite la pesca de los buques europeos en aguas del caladero africano a cambio del pago de unos EUR 40 millones al año.
Según Roger Waite, portavoz de la CE, "una carta oficial ha sido enviada por la Comisión el 19 de agosto tras un número de llamadas e intercambios por email".
En dicha carta, la Comisión pidió "que el período de licencias se adapte para permitir a los propietarios de buques pescar durante el periodo correspondiente a los pagos", añadió.
El problema abarca a unas 63 licencias de pesca solicitadas por España, Portugal, Países Bajos, Letonia y Lituania.
"Las licencias se tenían que haber entregado para el 15 de agosto como muy tarde, puesto que las solicitudes eran para empezar [a faenar] el 1 de agosto", indicó el portavoz, según informó la agencia Europa Press.
De acuerdo con el Ejecutivo comunitario, las peticiones de licencias "fueron presentadas tarde", algo que ha influido en la fecha de entrada en vigencia del acuerdo bilateral.
Waite recordó que el protocolo estipula que Marruecos tiene 15 días para emitir las licencias de pesca.
El nuevo protocolo permite faenar en a un máximo de 120 embarcaciones de 11 países de la UE: España, Portugal, Italia, Francia, Alemania, Lituania, Letonia, Holanda, Irlanda, Polonia y Reino Unido.
Las posibilidades de pesca aumentaron un tercio con respecto al anterior, alcanzando las 80.000 toneladas para las pequeñas especies pelágicas, con algunas oportunidades de captura adicionales para demersales, atún y pesca artesanal.
Del total del coste del convenio, EUR 16 millones son para compensar a Marruecos por acceder a sus recursos, EUR 14 millones para apoyar al sector pesquero marroquí, y otros EUR 10 deberán ser aportados por los armadores.

Noticias relacionadas:
- Marruecos ratifica protocolo de pesca
La UE insta a Marruecos a acelerar ratificación de protocolo pesquero

Dyrkorn and Mustad co-operate on longline production

O. Mustad & Søn A.S and Dyrkorn AS have formed a new partnership to co-operate on the production of swivelled longlines.
'Working together we will offer our customers the widest range of quality longlining gear and equipment on the market', say Dyrkorn and Mustad. 'This new partnership means we can produce our swivelled longlines more efficiently and more competitively, to the benefit of all of our customers. Being stronger and more competitive puts us in an excellent position to expand into the growing international market, where there is great potential.'
Longline production machinery has been moved to Dyrkorn's headquarters and factory on the quayside in Ã…lesund, where all production will take place from early June. By combining their expertise and different technologies, the two companies can offer an unbeatable range of swivelled longlines, ranging in size from 5.5mm to 11.5mm in diameter, and mounted with metal or plastic stoppers and a variety of different swivel designs. All of the longlines are made using specially produced ropes in pure polyester or danline/polyester mix.Both companies stress the importance of producing the gear in Norway.
Norway is home to the world's largest and most successful Autoline fleet, and daily contact with the fishermen gives them the feedback they need to produce the best, high-catch, low-maintenance fishing gear. Norway also has a very long tradition in gear manufacture, giving them the experience and expertise needed to produce the very best quality.
Export sales will be handled by Mustad.
Closer co-operation enables Mustad and Dyrkorn to offer total longlining packages to fishing vessel owners and shipyards worldwide.
O. Mustad & Søn A.S is the world's largest fish hook manufacturer, and the world's leading supplier of automatic longlining equipment.
Dyrkorn AS was established in 1913 and has manufactured ropes and fishing gear for over 85 years. Throughout its history the company's main activity has been the production and supply of longlining equipment for the Norwegian fleet and export markets.

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