Showing posts with label Ship Manager. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ship Manager. Show all posts



一、 买船前的准备工作




二、 买船合同的签订

一旦确定标的船舶,买卖双方就可以协商并签订买卖合同。直接采取以上所述的格式合同固然在法律上是可行的,但实践中,双方还是会根据实际需求,对主要条款进行修订,并以备忘录(Memorandum of Agreement, MOA)的形式体现这些修改。通常双方的焦点集中在以下几个事项。

1. 检验
买方最关心的问题往往不是价格,而是所要购买的船舶的质量。但仅凭简单的船舶概括(ship particular), 是完全不足以了解船舶的真实状况的,甚至即使查阅船级社的记录,也仍无法准确掌握船况。最保险的方法,当然是买方安排经验丰富的机务人员上船检查,并随船一段时间,对船舶运营历史和潜在问题进行“摸底”。几种常见的格式合同上,对此也都有约定。但上船检查时能细致到何种程度,随船时间能有多久,都是要双方具体协商的内容。

另外,不论是登轮还是随船检验,仍有一些重要的部位无法查看,例如主机设备的内部情况和船底。因此,买卖双方可进一步约定船舶进干坞进行检验。如果卖方因为船期、费用等方面的考虑无法安排进坞,买方也可安排潜水检查(diver inspection)代替。总之,对买方而言,应在合同中约定尽可能详尽的检查来确保自己对标的船舶足够了解。

2. 付款条件
而对卖方而言,最关心的问题恐怕真的就是船价和付款了。所以实际上在买方可以检验船舶之前,卖方通常会要求买方先支付一笔保证金,金额由双方决定,但一般在船价的10%左右,例如SALEFORM2012中,默认是船价的10%。这笔保证金通常也不会直接支付到卖方的账户,而是由双方建立一个共管账户(escrow account),或者支付到任意一方的律师的账户,日后再根据双方指示退回给买方或支付给卖方。

理论上剩余船价的支付期限一般是在卖方正式交船时支付。但通常会约定在卖方先发出交船准备就绪通知书(notice of readiness)之后的几天支付,如SALEFORM2012约定是3个银行工作日内支付。

3. 备件/燃油

4. 交船和文件交割


5. 船舶出售前债务负担

6. 争议解决条款

三、 合同签订后的交接准备工作

1. 注册新的单船公司和准备船旗国登记
买方最初与卖方接触和签订合同时,可能是使用自己公司或集团的抬头,但是最终往往将船舶注册到一家单船公司。所以,买方需要事先在选定的船籍国去注册公司。同时,在合同中的买方一栏,通常约定的是“买方或其指定的人(buyer or its nominee)”。待单船公司注册成功之后,再将该单船公司指定为正式买方。


2. 安排购船资金

3. 准备交割文件
买方在此阶段还应着手准备交割的文件,包括董事会或股东会关于批准购买船舶并指定代理人签字会议纪要( minutes of directors’ meeting);授权委托书( power of attorney);董事/职员名单证书;信誉良好证书;以及根据其他根据公司章程应进行的程序和出具的文件等。

4. 为船舶运营做准备

四、 交船和文件交割

交船时,卖方船员应将船上所有重要证书和文件交给买方上船的船员,包括但不限于船舶登记证书、国际吨位证书、国际载重线证书、最低安全配员证书、船长/高级船员和普通船员证书、国际防油污证书、油类登记簿、垃圾记录簿、船上油污应急计划、国际防止大气污染证书、除鼠证、稳性资料、货物构造安全证书、货物设备安全证书、货物无线电安全证书、货船安全证书、危险货物清单或积载图、谷物运输许可证、油污损害民事责任保险或其他经济担保证书、货物记录簿、国际散装运输危险化学品适装证书、国际散装运输液化气体适装证书、客船安全证书、特种业务客船安全证书等。但是对于以往的航海日志,卖方是有权带走的。交接完毕后,双方船长签署交接备忘录(protocol of delivery and acceptance),即宣告交船完成。

而文件交割方面,买方应从卖方处取得船旗国同意出售证书 (permission to sell);卖据 (bill of sale);原船舶登记注销证书 (deletion certificate一般是交船后才能提供);船级确认书( confirmation of class certificate);船旗国签发的无登记负担证书,以及卖方公司就出售船舶出具的股东会/董事会决议和授权委托书等。其中卖据的交接可以视为是船舶的所有权在法律上完成了转移(仅指在英国法下)。买方接船后,应及时联系事先安排好的保险人、船级社、船旗国等机构,确保船舶处于可合法运营的状态。


China Fishery Group achieved profit increase in Q3

China Fishery Group trawler. (Photo Credit: CFO)
Click on the flag for more information about Singapore SINGAPORE
Tuesday, August 12, 2014, 03:30 (GMT + 9)

China Fishery Group Limited reported revenue amounting to USD 155 million and a net profit of USD 19.6 million for the April-June quarter, figures that account for year-on-year increases of 1.7 per cent and 26.6 per cent, respectively.
And for the nine months that ended in June this year, the firm reported an inter-annual increase in gross profit of 30.9 per cent.
“We have been transforming the Group so that it is strongly positioned to meet the increasing demand for fishmeal and fish oil from the growing aquaculture and animal farming sectors,” pointed out Ng Joo Siang, Group Managing Director.
And he added: “We are pleased with our performance for the quarter which reflects our commitment to this strategy. Looking ahead to the next quarter, the Group will maintain its focus on consolidating the enlarged Peruvian Fishmeal Operations, realising maximum value from the synergies and efficiencies generated and focusing on cash conversion and net debt reduction.”
The Group highlighted the revenue from the Peruvian Fishmeal Operations in Peru, accounting for 67.6 per cent of the total, represented an increase by 2.9 times from USD 83.3 million to USD 324.6 million, and reflected increased contribution from the enlarged Peruvian Fishmeal Operations incorporating Copeinca AS.
Furthermore, the revenue from the Contract Supply Business accounted for 27.1 per cent of total revenue, a decrease by 59.5 per cent from USD 320.8 million to USD 130.1 million, due primarily to the termination and non-renewal of the Long Term Supply Agreements.
Besides, the revenue from the CF Fleet operations accounted for 5.3 per cent of total revenue, an increase by 33 per cent, from USD 19.1 million to USD 25.4 million, mainly as a result of higher catch and sales volume recorded from the fishing operations in Namibia.
Despite a 57 per cent increase in overall sales volume, cost of sales and vessel operating costs increased by only 6 per cent, changing from USD 296.2 million to USD 313.8 million, which was mainly attributable to the increase in productivity and broader economies of scale achieved in the enlarged Peruvian Fishmeal Operations.
The firm revealed a gross profit increased by 30.9 per cent, changing from USD 127 million to USD 166.2 million, and a gross profit margin that improved from 30 per cent to 34.6 per cent.
The EBITDA increased by 16.7 per cent, changing from USD 182.9 million to USD 213.4 million, while EBITDA margin increased slightly from 43.2 per cent to 44.5 per cent.
China Fishery also stressed that, all in all, the net profit decreased by 24.7 per cent, changing from USD 70.2 million to USD 52.9 million, due primarily to higher finance costs and income tax expenses in Peru.
As to the fourth quarter this year, despite the Group’s lower catch volume in Peru largely due to El Niño effect, the Group is confident that the higher average selling prices of fishmeal and fish oil will be able to partially compensate for the reduction in sales volume.

Kite power installed in Germany’s largest fishing vessel

Maartje Theadora: surely the biggest kiteboarder in the world

The SkySails-System was successfully placed into operation aboard Germany’s largest fishing vessel – the ROS-171 “Maartje Theadora” – on the North Sea near Ijmuiden, Netherlands on March 8th, 2010. This innovative SkySails wind-propulsion system will henceforth help save large amounts of fuel and emissions. The maiden voyage of the ROS-171 “Maartje Theadora” with SkySails propulsion, which will take the ship across the Atlantic to South America and then into the South Pacific, heralds the use of regenerative energy sources in deep-sea fishing.

“As one of Europe’s biggest fishing companies, we consider it an important duty to not only promote sustainable fishing, but to take a leading role in making it a reality. For us, sustainable in this context means acting in a manner that makes both good economic and ecological sense.

And so, by combining our MSC-certified pelagic shoal fishery with the innovative SkySails propulsion system, we intend to realize major savings in fuel and costs, while at the same time significantly reducing the adverse effects on the environment caused by harmful emissions – first by employing the system during those long transfer runs and then, looking to the future, during direct fishing operations,” says Dr. Uwe Richter, the Managing Director of Westbank Hochseefischerei GmbH, which belongs to the Parlevliet & Van der Plas B.V. Group, has its headquarters in Sassnitz, Germany and is responsible for the technical and commercial operation of the ROS-171 “Maartje Theadora.”

“Because operating conditions on a fishing vessel differ greatly from those of a commercial cargo ship, especially during trawling operations, our key focus during this phase of trials will be on technically adapting the system to the circumstances specific to fishing operations,” explains Stephan Brabeck, the Technical Managing Director of SkySails. “Working hand in hand with our customer Parlevliet & Van der Plas, we will be further enhancing and developing the technology in practice, and in turn devising a wind propulsion system that is optimized for use on fishing vessels.”

The practical testing of the SkySails-System on the ROS-171 “Maartje Theadora” is being funded as part of a pilot project by the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the European Union (with resources from the European Fisheries Fund). The state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is supporting this pilot project as an investment in the future, now that it has assumed the challenge and responsibility of developing and fostering visionary technologies in the fishery and aquaculture sector.

“I am very proud and pleased that my state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is supporting and accompanying this pioneering effort. The implementation of this project was made possible by an exceptionally generous grant as part of the 2007-2013 European Fisheries Fund. The €583,000 in funding from the EU and €194,000 from the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania have been approved and will be used for this project. I firmly believe that this is money well spent, and an important investment in the future. The European Union and the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania view this project as a catalyst with a tremendous potential as a multiplier for improving resource efficiency over the long term and for abating the fishing industry’s adverse effects on the environment,” emphasizes Dr. Till Backhaus, Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Consumer Protection.

Sailing under the flag of Germany, the ROS-171 “Maartje Theadora” is 141 meters long and its main propulsion consists of two MaK engines that produce a total of 8,640 kW of power. The crew comprises over 40 members during fishing trips. A 160m² SkySails towing-kite propulsion system works to relieve the ship’s main engine.

SkySails propulsion is already in use aboard the cargo ships “Beluga SkySails” owned by Beluga Shipping, as well as on the “Michael A.” and “Theseus” of the Wessels Shipping Company. The system is currently being installed on two other cargo new builds, and SkySails has a number of additional orders on its books. The concept of towing-kite wind propulsion has proven itself fully capable on board ship, and the tractive forces that were measured make the SkySails-System the most powerful and effective wind-propulsion system in the world. Thanks to its unique physical properties, the system produces between 5 and 25 times more power per square meter than conventional sail propulsion. A 160m2 SkySails generates a tractive force of 8 metric tons, which is comparable to the thrust of an Airbus A318 engine.

Transportation Companies

@ Aviation electronics - (972).

Directory of Israeli companies in aviation related fields.

@ Postal companies - (972).

Directory of international courier and postal services for parcel shipping.

Afikim Electric Mobilizers - (972).4.6754825

Electric battery operated indoor and outdoor scooters. Suitable for senior citizens and disabled people.

Afikim Public Transportation - (972).3.5252555

Bus service for cities in Shomron including Ariel, Oranit, Barkan.

Airgate Israel - (972).8.9219119

Freight forwarding and customs brokerage company specializing in air and sea import and export covering all aspects of logistics, such as trucking, storage and distribution. Shipments including dangerous goods, refrigerated cargo and animals.

Allalouf - (972).3.5640202

Shipping agency with branches in the Israeli ports of Ashdod, Eilat and Haifa. Allalouf represents the following shipping companies: Atlantic Container Line company (ACL), Iscont, Grimaldi Lines, Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK), Hamburg Sud, Iscont Far East.

Tel Aviv
Amit - International logistics services - (972).3.9720001

Integrators of foreign trade logistics. Exhibition and fine art logistics. Customs clearance. International forwarding. Air and ocean consolidators. Maritime insurance. International courier services via TNT.

Tel Aviv
Arkia Israeli Airlines - (972).3.6903712

International tourism charter flights and domestic flights.

Tel Aviv
Asfir - (972).4.6528995

Orthopedic hydraulic seats and suspension seats for vehicles. 4X4 products: skid plates for off road vehicles, side protectors, ATL winch bumper, tubular winch bumpers, rear bumpers and towing devices, hi-lift jack and base plate.

Tel Adashim
Ashdod Bonded Ltd. - (972).8.8566566

Cargo services in export and import activity, bonded storage, free warehouses, outsourcing logistic services and distribution layouts.

Ashdod Port - (972).8.8517846

Deep water port that serves central and Southern regions of Israel. Piers can serve all types of ships up to Panamax type with 60,000 tons deadweight. Includes passenger and cruise ship terminal.

Ashdod-Yam - (972).8.8677663

Boatyard for repair of small watercraft. Importer of marine equipment, boats and engines. Marine insurance. Sailing school.

Ashkelon Marina - (972).8.6733780

Boats up to 45m depths 4m - 6m. VHF CH 16-11. Shipyard with a 100 ton travel lift and professional repair services.

Ashot Ashkelon - (972).8.6721505

Gear drives and transmission systems. Automatic transmissions for heavy vehicles, gear assemblies for aerospace applications, short and long shafts for jet engines and gas turbine engines. Hydraulic and mechanical PTO's. Clutch independent drives.

Associated Maritime Agencies AMA - (972).3.5777555

Shipping agency managing container traffic between Israel the UK, Ireland, Europe, Scandinavia, India, Pakistan, Central/South America, Far-East and most Mediterranean ports of call. AMA also operates Sideloaders carrying agricultural produce.

Bnei Brak
Automotive Industries - (972).4.6558122

Assembly plant for cars and trucks mainly for the Israel Defense Forces, police and export. Design of armored protection. Abir 4x4 military vehicle. Desert Raider 6x6 airborne, all-terrain reconnaissance, surveillance vehicle.

Nazareth Illit
Avis - (972).3.9773200

Operates 16 rental branches in Israel. Domestic and outgoing rentals.

Aviv Shigur - (972).1.700.503300

Domestic courier services for next day delivery of parcels. Country wide network includes 17 depots. Customized logistic services. A fleet of over 200 intercity transportation trucks.

Ayalon Highway - (972).3.6931212

Freeway from Holon to Herzliya. The web site shows the speed of traffic flow on the highway.

Tel Aviv
Ayit - (972).8.6104488

Flight and tourism services. Flight school. Operates Sdeh Teiman airfield. Flights over Israel.

Baz - (972).4.9569000

Manufacturer of components and sub assemblies of airborne structures such as wing pod, tail cone for business jet, camera pod, fan cowl door. Certified for production by major aircraft manufacturers in Israel and abroad.

Beit-Alfa Technologies - (972).4.6533060

Design and manufacture of special purpose vehicles. Fire fighting and rescue vehicles: Municipal water/foam tenders, airport crash tenders. Bullet-proof armored vehicles. Riot control vehicles. Water restraint system for prisons.

Beit Alfa
Ben Gurion Airport - (972).3.9710000

Main international airport of Israel named after the first Prime Minister of Israel David Ben Gurion.

Best Car Rental - (972).1.800.220015

Car Rental company with four branches including one in Ben-Gurion airport. Also rents minivans.

BMS Vehicle Management System - (972).3.5273968

Software for management of car rental and leasing companies. Modules include car rental system, accidents, fuel management, pricing system, outbound reservation, fleet management, car sales, CRM, invoicing system, vehicles ordering, reports and queries.

Tel Aviv
BMW Israel - (972).3.6899000

Importer and agency of BMW cars and motorcycles.

Tel Aviv
Budget - (972).1.700.704141

Operates 12 locations in Israel. Has a fleet of about 2500 vehicles with over 25 models.

Tel Aviv
C.A.L. Cargo Air Lines - (972).3.9779999

All cargo airline operating jumbo freighters to USA, Europe and Africa. Exporting from Israel agricultural fresh produce and industrial materials and importing heavy machinery, automobiles, industrial and scientific equipment.

Airport City
Cadillac - (972).3.6235561

Importer of Cadillac cars.

Tel Aviv
Cal Auto Group - (972).3.7912000

Car rental and leasing. Minibuses and 4x4's.

Tel Aviv
Carmel Cables - (972).3.8566790

Various cables for American, Japanese and European cars. Accelerator cables, clutch cables. Shift cables to control park, neutral, drive and reverse positions. Hood and trunk release cables.

Bat Yam
Carmel International Shipping Services - (972).4.8545454

Liner shipping agency dedicated for sea liner container services.

Carmelit Subway - (972).4.8376861

Subway that connects Haifa downtown area with the Carmel Center on the Carmel mountain.

Caspi Cargo Lines - (972).4.8678188

International broker active mainly in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. Agency services to all types of vessels including preparation of cargo manifest, Bill of Lading, and other documentations. Company operates eight general cargo trading vessels.

Citroen - (972).3.5631333

Importer and service agency for Citroen car models. Owned by Lubinski Ltd.

Bnei Brak
Citypass - (972).73.2100601

Light rail public transportation in Jerusalem.

Conmart - (972).9.8929510

Worldwide maritime shipping. Chartering and brokerage services. Port agencies in Haifa, Ashdod and Eilat ports.

Connex - (972).*6686

Public bus transport operator in Ashdod and Tiberias.

Tel Aviv
Cross-Israel Highway 6 Management - (972).3.9081111

North to South cross-Israel Highway 6 toll road management.

Rosh Ha'ayin
Dan Transportation - (972).3.6394444

Public bus transport operator in greater Tel-Aviv metropolitan area and the suburbs.

Tel Aviv
Derech Eretz Highways - (972).

Planning and construction of North to South cross-Israel toll-way (Highway 6). Route stretches along 300 km, from the Beer Sheva area in the south to Rosh Pina and Nahariya in the north.

Rosh Ha'ayin
Dodge - (972).3.6881125

Importer of Dodge cars.

Tel Aviv
Dov Hoz Airport - (972).3.6984500

Commonly known as Sde Dov, serves mainly for domestic flights to the north of the country, to Ein Yahav and to Eilat.

Tel Aviv
Dynamic Shipping Services - (972).4.8645745

Ship agent specializing in special project cargoes, general cargo vessels, bulk carriers, container vessels, ro-ro vessels and tankers of all types. Chartering, brokerage, consultancy and agency services in Israel.

Egged Bus Company - (972).3.6948888

Public bus transportation company with services to all regions of Israel.

Tel Aviv
Eilat Airport - (972).1.700.705022

Eilat Airport today serves internal civilian flights, international charter flights, private flights and special flights.

Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Company - (972).8.6740601

Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline serves as a land bridge for transporting crude oil from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. Infrastructure services for liquefied petroleum gas, fuel oil, distillates and coal.

Eilat Port - (972).8.6385332

Israel's "Gateway to the South" for cargo traffic to Africa, Asia and the Far East.

EL-AL Israel Airlines - (972).3.9722333

National airline of Israel. International flights and Cargo services.

Eldan - (972).3.5654545

Operates 15 rental branches in Israel. Operational leasing and car fleet management.

Tel Aviv
F.N. Aviation - (972).9.9577717

Air taxi flights over Israel. Flight training school. Cessna fleet.

Ford - (972).8.9139988

Importer and service agency for Ford car models Focus, Mondeo, Explorer, Transit, Econoline. Owned by Delek Motors Co. Ltd.

Nir Tsvi
Fridenson logistics - (972).3.6503400

Logistics, international freight forwarding and custom brokerage. Container services and air consolidation services to and from Israel from countries in Europe, America and Asia.

G.E.S. Global Export Shipping - (972).3.6385577

Freight forwarder for sea export of full containers from Israel with offices in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Ashdod. Direct service to sea ports in Europe, Asia, USA, Oceania and Africa. Global network and delivery to final destination by truck or train.

Tel Aviv
Gadot Chemical Tankers and Terminals - (972).9.8929500

Owner, charterer and broker of chemical tankers. Ship agents for chemical tankers, gas and oil carriers, general cargo, loading and discharging operations.

Globespeed - (972).3.7549575

Agent for Continental Airlines, Air Canada, Hungarian, Czech Airlines, Cyprus Airways, Air Sinai (Egypt Air), Hellas Jet, Egypt Air, British West Indian Airways. GSA representation, cargo, ground handling and import services.

Gold Line Shipping - (972).4.8562222

Worldwide shipping agency representing international shipping lines. Inland haulage, custom clearance, storage and warehousing, distribution, project and conventional shipments.

Great Wall Motors - (972).*9669

Importer of cars made in China. The models marketed include Haval, Voleex and Steed.

Petah Tikva
Haargaz Transporation - (972).3.5685815

Manufacturer of buses with the chassis of Scania, Man, Mercedes and Volvo and train cars. Low floor city bus. Inter city bus for tourism travel. Armor plated bus with removable armor plating that protects against small arms fire.

Tel Aviv
Haifa Airport - (972).4.8476111

Domestic airport for flights to Eilat and Sde Dov. International airport for charter flights for nearby destinations such as Cyprus - Larnaca and Paphos, Rhodes, Crete, Sharm el Sheikh and Amman.

Haifa Port - (972).4.8518666

Natural port in the Haifa Bay. Includes international passenger terminal. Quays dedicated for use by bulk grain vessels whose cargo is fed by conveyor to adjacent Dagon Grain Silo.

Hertz - (972).8.9777777

Operates 14 rental branches in Israel. Operational leasing and car fleet management.

Herzel Car Rentals - (972).3.5222290

Car rental.

Herzliya Airport - (972).9.9719555

Herzliya Airfield is mainly used for teaching flying and for private aviation activity. Airport is classified as A1 according to the ICAO standard, Annex 14.

Herzliya Marina - (972).9.9565591

Berthing facilities for up to 800 yachts. Four point mooring system (no anchoring). Adjacent to shopping centers, hotels and hi-tech companies.

Honda - (972).3.6255625

Agency of Honda.

Tel Aviv
Hyundai - (972).3.9154444

Importers of Korean Hyundai vehicles including passenger cars, trucks and recreational vehicles.

Tel Aviv
Infiniti - (972).3.6393906

Importer and agency of Infiniti cars.

Tel Aviv
International mooves - (972).50.9776195

Forwarding company services: International transportation of cargoes (including large-sized, heavy, dangerous, oversized, modular and perishable cargoes) exactly in time. Customs clearance. Warehouse services. Insurance of cargoes.

Israel National Roads Company - (972).3.7355444

Planning, development and maintenance of the interurban road infrastructure. Traffic management and safety control on interurban roads.

Or Yehuda
Israel Ports Development and Assets Company - (972).

Planning, construction, security, equipment and infrastructure development of Israel's seaports in Haifa, Ashdod and Eilat that handle Israel's international maritime trade.

Tel Aviv
Israel Railways - (972).3.6117000

Railways 2000 metropolitan system in progress will have lines to Netanya, Herzliya, Petah Tikva, Rosh Ha-Ayin, Hod Ha-Sharon, Kfar Saba, Lod, Rehovot, Ashdod, Rishon Le-Zion, Ben-Gurion International Airport, Modiin and Haifa and Nahariya in the North.

Israel Shipyards - (972).

Military and commercial shipbuilding and ship repairs. Service and pilot tug boats. Fast attack missile craft. Ship-unloaders. Coal handling systems.

Israel Tractors - (972).3.5571555

Agency that represents Caterpillar, Navistar-International and Ingersoll-Rand trucks, tractors, dozers and other heavy construction machines.

Israir Airlines - (972).3.7955777

International charter flights and routes within Israel including flight to Eilat from Haifa and Tel-Aviv.

Tel Aviv
IsraLimo - (972).3.6478265

Luxury limousines, Sedan, SUV, van, charter bus and motor coach chauffeured ground transportation. Israeli Airports Limo Services and Ben-Gurion (Tel Aviv) Airport transportation services.

Tel Aviv
Kamor Shipping Services - (972).4.8681000

Shipping agency and husbandry services. Loading and unloading of vessels up to cape size calling Israeli ports with grain, fertilizers, liquids, chemicals, oil products, steel. Customs entry clearance of cargo. Chartering. Broker for charterers worldwide.

Kavim Public Transportation - (972).3.5570600

Public bus transport operator in Tel Aviv, Petah Tikva and Kiriat Ono lines.

Lexus - (972).9.9728888

Agency that represents Lexus.

Lucy Borchard Shipping - (972).3.5207500

Borchard Lines Operate a network of container vessels between Israel and major ports and terminals of Northern Europe, United kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Egypt and Cyprus. Container liner services.

Tel Aviv
Maman Cargo Terminals - (972).3.9715309

Cargo terminal at Ben-Gurion Airport. Ground services for both air cargo and air passengers in Israel. Third Party Logistic (T.P.L) services for the full supply chain. Ground handling services for airlines.

Mayan - (972).3.5767800

Air and sea freight imports and exports. Logistics - warehousing and distribution. Customs clearance.

Mazda - (972).8.9139988

Importer and service agency for Mazda car models Mazda6, MPV, MX-5, BT-50. Owned by Delek Motors Co. Ltd.

Nir Tsvi
Mercedes-Benz - (972).3.9154444

Importer and service agency for A-class, C-class, E-class models. Part of Colmobil Group.

Rosh Ha'ayin
Metro - (972).3.5623771

Importer of two-wheel motor vehicles, motorcycles, scooters and accessories. Companies represented include Yamaha, Kawasaki and Sanyang.

Tel Aviv
MetroDan - (972).8.6278040

Metropolitan bus service in Beer Sheva region with a fleet of over 90 buses and 19 lines.

Metropoline - (972).1.222.5900

Interurban public transportation company.

Tel Aviv
Mini - (972).

Importer of Mini car models.

Mitsubishi Motors - (972).3.9154444

Importer and service agency for Mitsubishi models Lancer, Pajero, Grandis and Magnum 4x4. Part of Colmobil Group.

Rosh Ha'ayin
Mivrag Cold Forming Technology - (972).4.9895100

Cold forming products: Vehicle jack components, brake caliper pins, cold formed powertrain components, body and chassis hardware, seat hardware assemblies, modular door hardware components.

Ein Hashofet
Nativ Express - (972).4.6463921

Public bus transportation service in northern Israel. Inter-urban service in Netanya, Hedera, Nazareth, Tsfat, Maalot, Karmiel.

Neta - Metropolitan Mass Transit System - (972).3.6893000

Governmental company founded in 1997 to provide solutions for traffic problems in the Tel Aviv Metropolitan area.

Tel Aviv
Nissan - (972).3.6381111

Agency of Japanese manufacturer owned by Carasso group. Models marketed in Israel include Maxima, Primera, Pathfinder, Terrano, Patrol, X-Trail. Atleon, Cabstar trucks.

Tel Aviv
Ofran holiday autos - (972).3.7951010

Car rental broker in Israel in joint venture with Holiday autos international.

Tel Aviv
Orange Aviation - (972).8.9235751

Air taxi service. Private aircraft. Air-Ambulance service includes rescue and evacuation of injured people in special aircraft, including medical equipment and medical staff.

Moshav Ben Shemen
Pets Travel - (972).

Information and services for transporting pets and animals. Service also includes pet flight courier.

Peugeot - (972).3.5631333

Importer and service agency for Peugeot car models 206, 307, 407, 607 and Partner.

Bnei Brak
Polyrit - (972).8.6746616

Molded foam, flexible, semi rigid and rigid Polyurethane products. Interior decorated panels, head rest, seats, seat cushions, steering wheels, bumpers, gear shift handles for automotive industry. Electronic housings for medical computer equipment.

Porsche - (972).3.6841360

Importing and service agency for Porshe brand cars.

Tel Aviv
Programa Logistics Systems - (972).

Consultancy and engineering for supply chain, logistics and material handling systems. Transportation and warehouse management systems. Logistics infrastructure and database definition. Software development control. Site and facility master plans.

Rainbow Aviation - (972).54.3513469

Air Taxi service that operates a fleet of executive aircraft for flights within Israel and around the Mediterranean basin. Flights to and from Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Cyprus, Greece. Day tours around Israel and its neighbors.

Rakevet Kala - (972).2.6259322

Jerusalem Mass Transit Light Rail System.

Rosh Pina Airport - (972).4.6936478

The airport serves as a domestic airfield, with service to fly to Eilat, Dov Hoz airport, Haifa, Herzliya, Ben Gurion airport and all the landing strips in the country.

Rosh Pina
Sa-Gal Rent-a-Car Company - (972).3.6815441

Rental car services to tourists, commercial and government institutions. Branches also in Jerusalem, Netanya and Haifa.

Tel Aviv
Sea Transport & Trading - (972).3.6999420

Ship agency, chartering broker for dry cargo worldwide. International trade and forwarding service. Dealing with the ocean carriers for breakbulk cargoes like forest products, steel, pipe, construction equipment, trailers and automobiles.

Tel Aviv
Seat - (972).3.6090669

Importer of Spanish Seat car models Ibiza, Cordoba, Toledo, Leon.

Tel Aviv
Seven Seas - (972).3.6875566

Worldwide liquid bulk transportation. Global tank container operator. Specializes in chemical shipping, bulk shipping, gas shipping, hazmat shipping and liquid shipping.

Tel Aviv
Sharon - (972).3.9721536

International freight forwarding and logistics services include customs clearance, consolidation, land transportation, packing, insurance, and door to door delivery.

Shikun Binui - (972).3.6301600

Roads and infrastructure division of the company carries out a wide range of infrastructure and roads projects, including development and paving work on roads, interchanges, water, sewage, drainage systems. Formerly Solel Boneh.

Siemens Traffic Systems - (972).3.5576636

Parking and traffic control systems. Parking entrance terminal. Parking ticket and barcode reader. Parking remote control Transponder and antenna.

Sixt Shlomo Rent a Car - (972).1.700.501.502

Car rental and leasing with 20 offices in different cities. Represents branch of international

Airport City
Skoda - (972).3.5778660

Importer of Skoda car models Superb, Octavia, Fabia. Company owned by Champion Motors.

Bnei Brak
Sonigo International Shipping - (972).8.6111222

Door to door service, with full packing and unpacking. Packing containers and lift vans. Crating design and assembly services for special and delicate items. Aliya shipping. Moving exhibitions, concerts and museum exhibits.

Sphericon - (972).9.9511046

DAISY system measures and detects driver alertness and inattentiveness and warns of dangerous driving patterns.

Ssangyong Motor - (972).3.6366777

Agency of Korean car manufacturer. Models marketed in Israel include Rodius, Musso pickup, Korando and Rexton.

Tel Aviv
Subaru - (972).3.7910000

Importer of Japanese Subaru cars. Models include Impreza Sedan, SPorts Wagon, STI, Forester, and B4 Station.

Tel Aviv
Sun Car - (972).3.5237017

Long and short term car rentals and leasing. Airport service phone: 050.2377477

Tel Aviv
Superbus - (972).8.9205005

Interurban public transportation company wth service lines between Ramla, Lod, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Modiin Rishon Lezion and smaller towns in the region.

Taavura Holdings - (972).8.9270420

Road haulage and logistics. Bulk transport, car haulage, haulage of cements raw materials, rocks, aggregates, agricultural produce, containers and general cargo.

Tamir Rent a Car - (972).9.8616470

Car rental company with central office in Netanya.

Tamor SMR - (972).4.6546735

Rubber molded and rubber vulcanized (rubber bonded to metal) parts, solid rubber wheels for heavy vehicles for military and industry. Metal products include fuel and water storage tanks, battery case covers of armored aluminum for the Merkava tank.

Migdal HaEmek
Tashtit - (972).8.9270500

Importer for the Dutch DAF Trucks and DAFBUS brand of buses.

Tel Aviv Marina - (972).3.5272596

Entry Limitations: Length 20 meters (66ft) depth 2.5meters (8.5ft). Customs and passport control: daytime only. Communication: VHF Channel 10. Nearby supermarkets, hotels, car rental, tourist information.

Tel Aviv
Toyota - (972).3.6255444

Importers of Toyota vehicle models including Yarix, Corolla, Runx, Camry, Land Cruiser etc. Service agencies around the country.

Tel Aviv
Traffilog - (972).3.9009500

Real Time Car Diagnostics (RCD) system for automotive industry. RCD system with GPS/GPRS, vehicle location, command and control system for vehicle fleets. Real-time diagnostics for trucks and mechanical engineering equipment. Real-time military systems.

Rosh Ha'ayin
Travel Booster - (972).3.6076300

Travel Booster tour operator software. Travel agency system and online reservation software. Interface to GDS (Global Distribution System) for content and updates. BSP (Bank Settlement Plan) ticket reconciliation and reports. Multi-currency transactions.

Tel Aviv
Travel Global Systems - (972).3.9234548

B-to-B and B-to-C software solutions for handling large volume transactions and reservations within the travel industry.

Petah Tikva
UMI - (972).3.9534455

Agency of GM in Israel importing Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac, Isuzu and Opel cars. Service agencies around the country.

Rishon Lezion
Unishipping Israel - (972).3.7441112

Ship and chartering agent. Size of vessels from 2000 dwt up-to panamax. Livestock transport. Parcel service between US Gulf, US, Canada east coast, Central America and between full Mediterranean - Black Sea range.

Tel Aviv
Unitag - (972).3.9797970

General Cargo Sales and Service Agency (GSSA) for Aeroflot, Belavia, Latpass, Lithuanian, Siberia, Samara, Ural Airlines. Airfreight local and international forwarding. Cargo ground handling.

Volkswagen - (972).2.5655555

Importer of Polo, Golf, Bora, Beetle, Passat, Touareg models of VW cars.

Volvo Israel - (972).3.6255600

Importer of Volvo cars.

Tel Aviv
Xenlight - (972).8.9266191

Xenon lighting systems for the automotive market, aviation landing and taxi lights. Ballasts for 35/50W High Intensity Discharge (H.I.D) high-pressure Xenon arc tubes, ignition connectors and other products using these ballasts. Dimmable diving light.

Zim Israel Navigation Company - (972).4.8652111

Zim operates a fleet of over 80 vessels. Zim Container Service operates between Haifa, its home port, and the Far East, via the Mediterranean and North American ports.


Bibby Ship Management

Bibby Ship Management offers its customers a true one-stop-shop service of full crew and technical management and is part of the Bibby Line Group which is headquarted in Liverpool.

We have offices in the UK, Western Europe, Norway, Eastern Europe, India, Indonesia the Indonesia and Singapore all of which offer the following services:

  • Technical Management
  • Crew Management Services
  • Training and Development
  • Payroll and employment services
  • Marine & Business Travel
  • Industrial Relations
  • Flag State Management
  • Yacht Management Services

Bibby Ship Management fully operates in accordance with the International Safety Management code (ISM), OHSAS 18801 health and safety and ISO 9001 quality management.

Situated in the Isle of Man at Compass House, Bibby Ship Management (Western Europe) Limited provides quality assured comprehensive crew management to the International Marine Industry.

It is no surprise that a company whose parent, Bibby Line Group, has been established for 200 years appreciates investment in long-term results and commitment to core values. In every aspect of business at Bibby Ship Management, our concern is with lasting customer satisfaction and how best to achieve it.

In a highly competitive environment a dedication to quality can bring economic advantages. Our adherence to the Quality Management System means that we prioritise the long-term interests of our clients. This means acting with foresight and integrity, especially in our primary role as providers of a personalised crew management service.

By taking a hands-on personalised approach with our seafarers from their initial recruitment and throughout their employment, we have generated loyalty from Officers, Ratings and their families. In turn, this significantly reduces staff turnover, which has a considerable positive effect on the operational performance of a Client's fleet.

A sense of integrity guides our business, helping Clients to achieve consistently good results.

Corporate Training and Development

The Right Skills - Delivered by a World-Class Training Provider

At Bibby Ship Management, seafarer training is not merely an aspect of our service, it underpins our entire philosophy on manning. Today’s marine environment demands the highest level of training so, in order to give added value and an increased level of expertise to both clients and seafarers, we have a dedicated and highly committed Training Department.

With a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of legislative, statutory and industry training requirements, coupled with our proven management systems, network of training providers and bespoke competence assurance programmes, Bibby Ship Management ensures its clients' seafarers and offshore personnel have the right skills for the job.

Reinforcing our commitment to developing the skills and competence of seafarers and offshore personnel alike, Bibby Ship Managementhas established its own training centres in India and Ukraine.

All of our programmes are designed to provide seafarers with the skills and knowledge that can help them get the most out of their careers. With our own fleet of merchant and offshore vessels and through working with the leading industry bodies, we deliver the training and competencies required to maintain the safe and efficient operation of modern vessels.

With a variety of entry routes, we’re dedicated to supporting seafarers in realising their potential with Training and Development Programmes that include:

UK Trainee Officer and Ratings Programmes
The global demand for Merchant Navy Officers and Ratings means a career at sea has never been more rewarding. Our training involves both college and sea phases, equipping seafarers with all the skills and knowledge they need to launch a successful career.

For further information on the training and competence solutions delivered by Bibby Ship Management contact us at one of the following:

Bibby Ship Management (Western Europe) Limited
Tel: +44 01624 687200

Flag State Management

A Wealth of Experience

With the Isle of Man’s growing reputation as an innovative registry of integrity and quality, there are many benefits to ship owners and managers. These include the right to fly the ‘Red Ensign’ and access the support of the British Consular service worldwide, as well as the Registry’s Non-FOC status.

Combining a professional Marine Administration, favourable taxation regime and non annual tonnage dues, we act on behalf of a large number of owners and operators as Isle of Man Flag State Representatives. Liaising directly with the Isle of Man Marine Administration, we ensure the owner’s views are represented at senior level and that the regulations governing Flag State requirements are fully met.

From an international perspective, we can offer Flag State Representation as part of a full Crew Management package or as a single stand alone service. Utilising our wealth of experience and knowledge of Flag requirements and international regulations, we provide advice, guidance and recommendations, ensuring maximum benefit for the owner/client, regardless of Nationality or Registry.

Our services include:

  • Provision of a link between Isle of Man Ship Registry, the Owner/Client and their Vessel
  • Maintenance of current crew lists for each Vessel
  • Application for requisite Flag State Endorsements and Licenses
  • Circulation to owners and vessels of all new and amended copies of Manx Shipping Notices and Government Circulars
  • Prompt conveyance of all certificates, accounts invoices and survey correspondence to Owners/Agents requirements
  • Co-ordination during the initial registration process of all application documentation
  • Liaison with relevant Manning Agencies in the matter of endorsements for non-British Officers

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