Showing posts with label 販売のためのマグロ延縄. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 販売のためのマグロ延縄. Show all posts

High growth expectations for 'Kindai tuna'

Farmed tuna. (Photo Credit: Kinki University)

Click on the flag for more information about JapanJAPAN 
Friday, November 28, 2014, 23:50 (GMT + 9)
Kinki University (Kindai) expects that by 2020 there will have been a threefold increase in the farmed bluefin tuna obtained through an innovative technique it developed to offset overfishing impacts on this resource.
The university is confident that the new way of raising bluefin tuna from eggs to maturity, whose meat has been named Kindai tuna, will contribute for annual shipments to increase from 2,000 to 3,000 this year, and to 6,000 by 2020, The Japan Timesreported.
Meanwhile, given the decline in bluefin tuna stocks in the Pacific Ocean, Japan and other tuna-fishing economies are due to tighten fisheries control measures starting next year.
University Kinki's project was appealing to Tuna Dream Goto Co, a subsidiary of Toyota Tsusho Corp, with headquarters in Nagasaki prefecture, which has become a commercial partner and certified producer of Kindai tuna.
“As moves to protect natural resources are increasing, it is clear that demand for Kindai tuna will rise,” said Yoshiki Miura, head of Toyota Tsusho’s Food and Agribusiness Division.
At first Kindai tuna will be supplied to tuna restaurants run by the university and to department stores across Japan but then it will be sold overseas, such as in North America and Southeast Asia.
Goto raises young fish that the university hatches from eggs and thanks to the use of the techniques developed by the University, it has become successful in making tuna reach adulthood.
Kinki University, whose aquaculture programme and research started in 1948, was the first organization to successfully raise red sea bream and amberjack using full-cycle aquaculture, a process that involves raising fish from eggs to adults, rather than from juvenile fish caught in the wild.
This institution intends to continue to push the boundaries of aquaculture research, with the ultimate goal of reducing pressure on wild fish stocks and cultivating the oceans of the world through the reintroduction of fish.

Maine proposes new rules for scallop season

Maine scallop. (Photo Credit: Dept. of Marine Resources State of Maine)
Click on the flag for more information about United States UNITED STATES
Thursday, August 14, 2014, 02:40 (GMT + 9)

To balance the success of efforts that are rebuilding Maine’s scallop fishery with industry’s desire for reliable income, the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) has put forward a proposal for the 2014-2015 season that emphasizes emergency rulemaking.

Despite the proposal from the Maine DMR to continue the resource rebuilding efforts of recent years by reducing the number of days draggers and divers can fish by 22 days in zones 1 and 2, and 18 days in zone 3, the Scallop Advisory Council voted during its 30 June meeting to keep the number of days the same as last season.

The Department has chosen to move forward with the SAC recommendation after a series of listening sessions with industry.
“This proposal by DMR reflects the firm commitment by Commissioner Keliher and the Department of Marine Resources not only to the health of the resource, but also to the economic wellbeing of Maine’s hard-working scallop harvesters,” said Governor Paul R. LePage. “This is a balancing act. The Department must act swiftly with targeted closures if they detect any impacts to the rebuilding plan, while at the same time continuing to allow for sustainable harvest in other areas.”

“We are putting forth a recommendation that considers industry interest and input,” said DMR Commissioner Patrick Keliher. “However this decision runs counter to the advice of our science staff. So we anticipate having to cut days from the season with area closures enacted through emergency rulemaking as we detect depletion of the resource beyond what can be regenerated in a season.”

The number of harvesters between 2008 and 2013 tripled, jumping from 131 to 421, which has increased pressure on the fishery in recent years. “As latent licenses become active in this fishery it places more pressure not just on the resource but also on the resource managers to ensure that industry does not over-harvest areas and jeopardize the future of a fishery on the rebound,” said Commissioner Keliher.

In 2005 an all-time low of just over 33,000 pounds of scallop meats (276,000 pounds of whole scallops including the shell and viscera) were landed from Maine waters. In 2009, 20 per cent of Maine waters were closed to scallop fishing to begin restoring the fishery.

After three years of the rebuilding, the closed areas were reopened in 2012 for fishing as limited access areas and Maine harvesters landed over 280,000 pounds of scallop meats (2.4 million pounds of whole scallops). Also in 2012, three scallop zones were established along the coast to ensure a targeted management approach. Limited access areas, in which harvesting is allowed one day per week and closed when a percentage of the available resource is removed, were also implemented. Rotational closures, an approach similar to crop rotations in agriculture, were also made part of the management regimen.

In 2013 the management efforts continued to pay off with an increase over 2012 in scallop landings of 138,136 meat pounds (without the shell), from 286,411 to 424,547. The growth in landings resulted in more than USD 2 million in additional landed value, which climbed from USD 3,191,147 to USD 5,194,553.

The 2014-2015 proposal calls for a 70-day season in Zones 1 and 2 and a 15 gallon daily limit with separate calendars for divers and draggers as well as one day per week in the Zone 1 Limited Access Areas starting in January. For Zone 3, a 50-day season and 10 gallon daily limit is proposed with separate calendars for divers and draggers and one day per week in the Whiting & Dennys Bays Limited Access Area starting at the beginning of December.

DMR will hold public hearings scheduled for 2-4 September in Brunswick, at the University of Maine-Machias, and in Ellsworth to review all public comment and present a final proposal for the season to the DMR Advisory Council during its fall meeting.

The DMR Advisory Council will review the proposal and provide input to the Commissioner who will then set the season through rulemaking.

Albacore value grows in Galicia

Albacore, Thunnus alalunga. (Photo: Stock File)
Click on the flag for more information about Spain SPAIN
Friday, August 15, 2014, 22:10 (GMT + 9)

The Secretariat of Rural and Marine Affairs of Xunta de Galicia reported that between January and 13 August, 2014 the value of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) landings in Galicia was EUR 7.8 million, representing an increase of 5 per cent over 2013.
This value corresponds to landings of more than 2,200 tonnes of albacore, 9 per cent more than in the same period last year.
This year only in Burela around 1,300 tonnes of the resource were unloaded for more than EUR 4.6 million.
According to the head of the Rural and Marine Affairs, Rosa Quintana, albacore represents one of the most important seasonal catches for the fleet of Burela and for a large part of the Galician one.
Along with the Secretary General of Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA), Andres Hermida; and the Secretary General of marine Affairs, Juan Maneiro, Quintana visited the fish market in Burela to attend the auction, which took place at the same time as albacore survey.
The minister highlighted the advertising campaign Faino Bonito, which aims to promote the consumption of fresh albacore. As part of this campaign, single-use plastic tags that are put in each albacore specimen were distributed at Galician landing ports.
In 2013 the Galician government used over 200,000 seals, and this year it is expected to use more than 300,000 units.
These tags make it possible to secure the identification and artisanal origin of the caught albacore reaching the outlets.
Furthermore, Quintana and Maneiro also visited the facilities of Pescados Ruben in Foz to become aware of its operation. This company is engaged in processing and packaging frozen fish, and caters to large seafood commercial areas and central markets.
Last month, a team of researchers from the CEU San Pablo University reported on the existence of fraud due to the substitution of albacore with species having lower commercial value.
With the help of an immunoenzymatic technique known as ELISA, scientists determined that under the albacore label what is being sold is yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus), bullet tuna (Auxis rochei), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda).
This alternative method to the DNA testing is more effective for authentication of fishery resources due to its specificity, simplicity and sensitivity.

Fishing stoppage in Cape Verde is ‘unavoidable'

Cape Verde. The current fisheries agreement of the EU with the African country expires at the end of this month. (Map: Gringer)
Click on the flag for more information about Spain SPAIN
Monday, August 11, 2014, 00:10 (GMT + 9)

The Fisheries General Secretariat of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) deems 'the suspension of fishing activity in Cape Verde fishery in late August 2014 is unavoidable.
Therefore, the Spanish government raises the possibility that the surface longline fishing industry in Galicia seeks other alternatives such as the Indian Ocean.
Meanwhile, the European Union (EU) and Cape Verde resumed contacts to complete the new fisheries agreement wording. The new agreement will replace the current one, which has been in force since 2011 and expires on 31 August this year, and which allows a total of 66 EU vessels to carry out fishing activities .
According to the Secretariat, "due to the subsequent need for ratification by the EU Council, the fishing activity interruption seems unavoidable from August 31."
MAGRAMA noted that to date, the parties have held three rounds of negotiations, the latest one took place in April.
In addition, the Ministry said that when the new agreement was considered practically settled, "at the last moment, Cape Verde demanded an increase in the financial contribution that the EU did not accept."
"It will have little impact on the Spanish longline fleet in the Atlantic, which does not often start their activity in this area prior the month of November," added MAGRAMA.
It explained that although the impact of this agreement is not "negligible" it is not so important on total catches because longline vessels fishing in the Atlantic obtain most of their catches in international waters.
"We'll keep on the lookout to see if in two or three months the agreement is renewed and on what conditions; some ships will look for fishing grounds in the North Atlantic and others, if the delay is too long, will seek solutions in the south or where they can," added sources from the harmed sector by the stoppage of the activity.
For these fishermen, the alternative to start fishing the Indian is not "appropriate" for a portion of the Atlantic fleet, reports La Opinión.
On the other hand, longliner organization manager of A Guarda (Orpagu) of Pontevedra, Juana María Parada, said that the renewal should not be carried out "under any conditions".
Orpagu has 14 longline vessels operating in Cape Verde, but only two also fish in inland waters, in addition to the international waters of the North Atlantic.
The Secretariat of Marine Affairs of Galicia, meanwhile, pointed out the fishing grounds of Cape Verde is "very important" and hoped that a "satisfactory agreement" is reached.


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The Ship Dueño notificará a la Agencia catorce días antes de la tripulación hacen a bordo en el buque ", y hacer que el organismo encargado de la preparación de la salida de la tripulación, el barco y el espíritu necesario en el buque-Empleo en el ámbito posible antes de la salida de la tripulación en INDONESIA.



  • 1. LA AGENCIA reclutará y abastecer a la tripulación que sinceramente calidad y posee la cualificación para el empleo del armador.
  • 2. LA AGENCIA realizará cada procedimientos y preparación a fin de que la tripulación, que está sano y tiene la calificación como la tripulación de conformidad y regulación de Indonesia se partió en el lugar y la fecha designada por el propietario del buque sin ningún problema y debe presentar los NAVE PROPIETARIO la lista de tripulantes, número de pasaporte, número de libro marinero, y el documento de que se trate a VISA.
  • 3. LA AGENCIA será seguro para educar a la tripulación sobre el trabajo y enviar a LA NAVE libro PROPIETARIO educación asuntos necesarios antes de la salida de la tripulación, y cumplir con las regulaciones locales y la ley (Los medios locales para incluir ESPAÑA) y el país con que el buque entre en) y cada reglamento solicitado por el propietario del buque.
  • 4. LA AGENCIA será inmediatamente enfermizo armador del cambio personal de tripulación.

Período de empleo

El período de trabajo de la tripulación será generalmente por dieciocho meses. él no puede regresar durante la navegación del buque y su operación de pesca, y debe trabajar en el buque hasta que el buque pone en el puerto.

Cuando hay solicitud de transferencia a otro buque que de acuerdo a la dirección del armador durante el período de empleo, debe ser aceptada. El armador se notificará a la Agencia de ello al mismo tiempo que la tripulación se transfiere a otro recipiente.

El período de trabajo de la tripulación será efectivo desde la salida de la tripulación de Indonesia y de la fecha de llegada de Indonesia, y en relación con el procedimiento de entrada y salida incluyendo el pasaporte, visa, permiso de entrada de la tripulación. LA AGENCIA se encargará de los procedimientos dentro de Indonesia y los de la región de embarque y desembarque serán realizadas por el propietario del buque.

"LA AGENCIA" se cubrirá gastos de viaje de entradas de aire. En caso de los equipos devueltos causadas por ellos aún no han terminado su contrato por los equipos poseen, LA AGENCIA sería llevar el viaje.
En el caso de los equipos devueltos causados ​​por que había terminado el suyo contrato dentro de 
DIECIOCHO meses, el propietario del buque sería GASTOS viajan suyos oso.
Entre el desembarco media, los gastos de devolución de la tripulación que ha sufrido la lesión mientras estaba de servicio será totalmente liberado por "armador" y la de la tripulación que regresa por su propia opción en su totalidad por "LA AGENCIA", y esta cantidad se deducirá preferentemente en la remisión de los salarios. (SIN EMBARGO, EN CASO DE MEDIO desembarcó DE TRIPULACIÓN, el armador deberá presentar la propia declaración de la tripulación, los gastos que llevan declaración jurada y el informe sobre la marcha del capitán / PESCA MASTER para la agencia.)


  • Las partes tendrán que comprender que la hora de trabajo de la tripulación ESPAÑA, que hacen en barco y obras, no está determinada legalmente, y la tripulación aplicada por el AGENCIA.will acatar la hora de trabajo equivalente a la de la tripulación ESPAÑA, y se llevará a cabo por la dirección de CAPITÁN / PESCA MAESTRO basado en el especial de trabajo de la pesca.
  • Las Partes establecen una regla para realizar la banda consentimiento mutuo acuerdo durante la vigencia del contrato, y el propietario del buque y de la Agencia de forma conjunta y estrictamente educar a las tripulaciones con el fin de que los accidentes desfavorables a las partes no será causado, y la tripulación de Indonesia no debe ser tratado de forma diferente a partir de la tripulación ESPAÑA en el trabajo y en el recipiente de la vida.
  • la tripulación debe realizar el trabajo necesario para la seguridad como buque en peligro o rescate de la tripulación de ese buque en cualquier momento sin la compensación adicional.

- JEFE MAQUINAS : $ 2000/Mes
 -2ND JEFE MAQUINAS : $ 1500/Mes
- ENGRASADOR : $ 550 /Mes
- CONTRAMASTRE : $ 800/Mes
- COCINERO : $ 800/Mes
- 2ND COCINERO : $ 600/Mes
- CAMARERO : $ 350/Mes
- MARINERO : $ 400/Mes

- JEFE MAQUINAS : $ 2000/Mes
-2ND JEFE MAQUINAS : $ 1500/Mes
- ENGRASADOR : $ 650 /Mes
- CONTRAMASTRE : $ 800/Mes
- COCINERO : $ 800/Mes
- 2ND COCINERO : $ 600/Mes
- CAMARERO : $ 350/Mes
- MARINERO : $ 450/Mes

Jl.Karang Satria Raya No 33A Tambun Utara-Bekasi Utara-INDONESIA 17756
TLF. 62 21 93424070
FAX. 62 21 93424258

Foreign Workers in Japanese Fishing

Japanese boats that spend long periods of time at sea rely on foreign workers, many of them from Indonesia. Many get paid less than the minimum wage for foreign workers of $375 a month. Sometimes they are paid considerably less than that. One Indonesian seaman told the Yomiuri Shimbun the most he was paid was $280 a month. “Sometimes, I’m only paid $150,” he said. Most are hired by brokers in their home country and presumably some of their pay goes to them.

Not only are foreign fishermen poorly paid, they also work like dogs. One told the Yomiuri Shimbun, “I slept only three to four hours a day. It was grueling work with no breaks. The toughest part was constantly being tossed about in a narrow cabin by waves for four to six weeks.”

Some of foreign workers come to Japan as trainees and are paid around $1,000 a month during their training period but their pay drops to between $300 to $700 a month, including overtime, when they start working as seamen. Many find the work to difficult and run away. Some flee their boats in Japan and find better paying jobs.

Dangers Faced by Japanese Fishermen

Every few months or so some fishermen go missing after their boat capsizes in rough seas or die when their boat collides with another vessel in Japan’s busy coastal waters. In September 2007, four fisherman went missing after their boats capsized off Kinkazan island in Miyagi Prefecture in southern Kyushu when winds picked up to 36 kph and waves were four meters in height. In April 2008, eight people died when their scallop-fishing boat sunk in rough seas off Aomori in northern Honshu.

In April 2004, three of four crew members aboard of South Korean fishing docked in the port of Oda were found dead, asphyxiated by a gas created by rotting squid guts slated to be used in a salted snack. The three men were found in sections of the ship where the guts were kept.

In September 2005, seven of eight fishermen were killed on 19-ton saury fishing vessel that capsized off of Nemuro, Hokkaido after it was struck by a 41,507-ton large Israeli-flagged container ship.

In December 2003, four died when a fishing boat sank off Shimane Prefecture. The 80-ton ship with a 10-man crew ran aground on a shoal and was overturned and sunk because of large waves and strong winds The surviving crew members were rescued clinging to rocks.

In October 2008, three fishermen were killed when a 14.75-ton fishing boat with six fishermen on board and a 9,813-ton cargo ship collided about 1.8 kilometers south of Minna Island in Okinawa Prefecture. All six of the fishermen were thrown into the water.

On April 2008, twelve of the 22 crew member aboard a Japanese fishing boat went missing after their 135-tom vessel capsized and sank off Hiradojima Island, Nagasaki.

In May 2009, a tuna boat caught fire and the crew had o abandon ship. Four people were initially reported missing. One was found dead, Another was found alive in a life raft. Two others were never found.
In October 2009, three men were rescued at sea after spending three days in an upside down capsized boat in seas off Hachijojima island. The men huddled in a small air pocket in a compartment of the 19-ton boat after it was capsized by waves from a typhoon. One survivor told Kyodo, “I was wondering inside the boat how I’d die. And it felt horrible to think about when I might stop breathing.” The three men had little to eat and shared a small amount of water. They were very hungry and slightly dehydrated when they were rescued by the Japanese coast guard. Five other crew men on the boat died.
In 2008, fisherman in Surga Bay began wearing life jackets after a series of fatal boat accidents left five people dead.

In January 2008, a 55-year-old fisherman was rescued after treading water for 15 hours after his boat capsized off Miyakojima Island in Okinawa Prefecture

In July 2011, Kyodo reported that a 70-year-old fisherman adrift for 20 days was found safe by the Japan Coast Guard. Ryoko Shimabukuro, of Ie, Okinawa Prefecture, was found aboard the boat drifting off Cape Muroto, Kochi Prefecture, following a report sent by a foreign vessel to the 5th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters in Kobe. Shimabukuro appeared to be in good health and said his boat had encountered engine trouble, officials said. According to the fishing cooperative in his village, Shimabukuro left port June 8 and planned to return after around 10 days. He was last seen off Cape Hedo, Okinawa, on the evening of June 10. [Source: Kyodo, July 1 2011]

The Ship Dueño notificará a la Agencia catorce días antes de la tripulación hacen a bordo en el buque ", y hacer que el organismo encargado de la preparación de la salida de la tripulación, el barco y el espíritu necesario en el buque-Empleo en el ámbito posible antes de la salida de la tripulación en INDONESIA.


  • 1. LA AGENCIA reclutará y abastecer a la tripulación que sinceramente calidad y posee la cualificación para el empleo del armador.
  • 2. LA AGENCIA realizará cada procedimientos y preparación a fin de que la tripulación, que está sano y tiene la calificación como la tripulación de conformidad y regulación de Indonesia se partió en el lugar y la fecha designada por el propietario del buque sin ningún problema y debe presentar los NAVE PROPIETARIO la lista de tripulantes, número de pasaporte, número de libro marinero, y el documento de que se trate a VISA.
  • 3. LA AGENCIA será seguro para educar a la tripulación sobre el trabajo y enviar a LA NAVE libro PROPIETARIO educación asuntos necesarios antes de la salida de la tripulación, y cumplir con las regulaciones locales y la ley (Los medios locales para incluir ESPAÑA) y el país con que el buque entre en) y cada reglamento solicitado por el propietario del buque.
  • 4. LA AGENCIA será inmediatamente enfermizo armador del cambio personal de tripulación.

Período de empleo

El período de trabajo de la tripulación será generalmente por dieciocho meses. él no puede regresar durante la navegación del buque y su operación de pesca, y debe trabajar en el buque hasta que el buque pone en el puerto.

Cuando hay solicitud de transferencia a otro buque que de acuerdo a la dirección del armador durante el período de empleo, debe ser aceptada. El armador se notificará a la Agencia de ello al mismo tiempo que la tripulación se transfiere a otro recipiente.

El período de trabajo de la tripulación será efectivo desde la salida de la tripulación de Indonesia y de la fecha de llegada de Indonesia, y en relación con el procedimiento de entrada y salida incluyendo el pasaporte, visa, permiso de entrada de la tripulación. LA AGENCIA se encargará de los procedimientos dentro de Indonesia y los de la región de embarque y desembarque serán realizadas por el propietario del buque.

"LA AGENCIA" se cubrirá gastos de viaje de entradas de aire. En caso de los equipos devueltos causadas por ellos aún no han terminado su contrato por los equipos poseen, LA AGENCIA sería llevar el viaje.
En el caso de los equipos devueltos causados ​​por que había terminado el suyo contrato dentro de 
DIECIOCHO meses, el propietario del buque sería GASTOS viajan suyos oso.
Entre el desembarco media, los gastos de devolución de la tripulación que ha sufrido la lesión mientras estaba de servicio será totalmente liberado por "armador" y la de la tripulación que regresa por su propia opción en su totalidad por "LA AGENCIA", y esta cantidad se deducirá preferentemente en la remisión de los salarios. (SIN EMBARGO, EN CASO DE MEDIO desembarcó DE TRIPULACIÓN, el armador deberá presentar la propia declaración de la tripulación, los gastos que llevan declaración jurada y el informe sobre la marcha del capitán / PESCA MASTER para la agencia.)


  • Las partes tendrán que comprender que la hora de trabajo de la tripulación ESPAÑA, que hacen en barco y obras, no está determinada legalmente, y la tripulación aplicada por el AGENCIA.will acatar la hora de trabajo equivalente a la de la tripulación ESPAÑA, y se llevará a cabo por la dirección de CAPITÁN / PESCA MAESTRO basado en el especial de trabajo de la pesca.
  • Las Partes establecen una regla para realizar la banda consentimiento mutuo acuerdo durante la vigencia del contrato, y el propietario del buque y de la Agencia de forma conjunta y estrictamente educar a las tripulaciones con el fin de que los accidentes desfavorables a las partes no será causado, y la tripulación de Indonesia no debe ser tratado de forma diferente a partir de la tripulación ESPAÑA en el trabajo y en el recipiente de la vida.
  • la tripulación debe realizar el trabajo necesario para la seguridad como buque en peligro o rescate de la tripulación de ese buque en cualquier momento sin la compensación adicional.

- JEFE MAQUINAS : $ 2000/Mes
 -2ND JEFE MAQUINAS : $ 1500/Mes
- ENGRASADOR : $ 550 /Mes
- CONTRAMASTRE : $ 800/Mes
- COCINERO : $ 800/Mes
- 2ND COCINERO : $ 600/Mes
- CAMARERO : $ 350/Mes
- MARINERO : $ 350/Mes

- JEFE MAQUINAS : $ 2000/Mes
-2ND JEFE MAQUINAS : $ 1500/Mes
- ENGRASADOR : $ 650 /Mes
- CONTRAMASTRE : $ 800/Mes
- COCINERO : $ 800/Mes
- 2ND COCINERO : $ 600/Mes
- CAMARERO : $ 350/Mes
- MARINERO : $ 450/Mes

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