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Showing posts with label РЫБЫ ТРАЛОВЫЙ ПРОДАЕТСЯ. Show all posts

Import ban control tightened

Rosselkhoznadzor head Sergey Dankvert. (Photo Credit: Rosselkhoznadzor)

Click on the flag for more information about Russian FederationRUSSIAN FEDERATION 
Monday, September 22, 2014, 03:30 (GMT + 9)
Certain Belarusian fish and dairy product imports may be restricted by Russian authorities on account of rising health concerns amid suspicions that products from the countries affected by the trade ban set by Russia over Ukraine events have been indirectly imported.
This announcement was made by the veterinary and phytosanitary agency Rosselkhoznadzor after noticing that supplies of fish from Norway and dairy products from Lithuania and Poland to the neighbouring republic increase, ITAR-TASS informed.
“We have started to monitor products of some Belarusian enterprises. If we have doubts about their safety, we will certainly take measures,” pointed out Alexei Alekseenko, an aide to the agency's head.
For his part, Rosselkhoznadzor head Sergey Dankvert explained that the agency data showed that while Belarus imported about 1,100 tonnes of chilled and frozen fish for the whole of July, about 2,500 tonnes was imported in just 15 days in September.
Thus, there are suspicions that Norway's fish producers, heavily hit by Russia's ban on food imports from countries that have sanctioned it over Ukraine event, have found a way around the embargo by sending goods through Belarus, The Moscow Times reported.
"We thought we would be faced with difficulties, but the market has redistributed the salmon beautifully," a representative of a large Norwegian fish producer Coast Seafoodpointed out.
According to this representative, salmon that had been shipped and then processed in Belarus and other border countries resumed its flow into Russia, allowing Norwegian producers to nearly recoup the export decline.
Meanwhile, Russian fish producers in the Far East have said their refrigerators are filled with salmon they cannot ship to Russia's central regions, blaming high transportation costs and sanitary authorities that take too long to issue permits.
On the other hand, the federal customs service for the northern Baltic region stressed that fish and seafood imports from Denmark's Faroe Islands and Greenland are substituting those imports from nations that have been banned.
“Sales of fish products in the region have not significantly decreased since sanctions were imposed,” Sergei Dobrynin, first deputy head of the Baltic service, said in a statement from the northwest customs directorate, responsible for Russia’s largest port, St. Petersburg.
Media sources informed that since the beginnings of August, Russia has been in talks with China, Turkey, Serbia, Egypt, Mauritius, Ecuador, Chile, Columbia, Mexico, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Paraguay, Guatemala, Morocco, Kenya, Argentina, Lebanon, the Faroe Islands, Tunisia, India and Pakistan to begin and increase supplies of meat, milk, vegetables, fruit, fish and seafood.
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Fish processing firm sues Govt over trade ban

Norwegian cod. (Photo Credit: Jean Gaumy/Norwegian Seafood Council)
Click on the flag for more information about Russian Federation RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Thursday, September 11, 2014, 06:30 (GMT + 9)

A Russian fish-processing firm has filed a lawsuit against the Government with the Supreme Court due to the resolution to ban import of fish and other foodstuffs from Norway, EU, US and other countries. The firm states this measure is harming its business.
Murmansk Fish Combinat executive director Mikhail Zub considers the trade ban coming into effect last month to be amended to allow his company to continue buying now-outlawed fish from Norway, Russia's biggest salmon and herring supplier, The Moscow Times reported.
Zub deems that Norwegian supplies are the only alternative, since Chilean fish, for instance, are more expensive and come frozen, which makes them less suitable for further processing, while domestic production is unable to meet the demand.
The CEO explained that the situation is aggravated by the fact that his firm can only take live fish transported by special vessels, and nearly all of them come from foreign countries.
"We took out bank loans and fully modernized our factory last year, designed to process fresh fish coming from Norwegian waters. With a ban in place we have now stopped production," Zub claimed.
The company, which is capable of producing 70,000 tons of processed fish products annually, buys raw fish at Norwegian auctions and has already signed a contract for the purchase of 31,000 tones of cod, capelin, pollock, haddock, and herring for the second half of this year. But the plans were thwarted in early August when Russia banned the import of certain food groups, including that of live fish from Norway, EU, USA, Australia and Canada.
Another result of the ban has been the price hikes for fish, which according to the Russian Fish Company, one of the largest salmon distributors in the country, had almost doubled since the measure has come into force.
Nevertheless, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview that the government had carefully examined the possible negative effects the ban would have on Russian business.
Medvedev also stated that some further changes to restrictions could be made, as was the case with baby fish, which were excluded from the ban after the government discovered that domestic fish production could not be boosted without imported hatchlings.
Besides, the state fishery agency Rosrybolovstvo considers live fish processing is “a promising industry,” but admits that this technology is not well suited for the production of aquatic biological resources at a considerable distance from the place of coastal processing, BarentsNova informed.
The Agency is ready to take measures to increase the supply of fish for domestic coastal processing plants in the Murmansk region.
Referring to the lawsuit Deputy Head of the Federation Council’s Committee for Constitutional Legislation Konstantin Dobrynin stressed that the fact that someone has claimed such a file is “unprecedented” and “welcome,” the latter because it shows that “the subjects of the Russian legal system are not afraid to speak out against the state itself,” the Barents Observer reported.
The court meeting will be held on 11 November, according to the Supreme Court’s web site.

рыболовное судно экипаж агентство


The shipowner shall notify the Agency FOURTEEN days before the crew go on board the ship "and to make the agency to carry out the preparation of departure of the crew, vessel and mind needed on the ship-employment through possible before departure INDONESIA crew.

The Agency will recruit and provide the crew who genuinely quality and qualification for employment THE shipowner. AGENCY perform all procedures and preparation so that the crew is healthy and has the qualification that the crew as and regulation of Indonesia may be waived at the time and place designated by the owner ship without any problem and must submit the OWNERS of the crew list, passport number, book number of marine and relevant document VISA.
AGENCY will be sure to educate the crew on the work and send it to book THE SHIP OWNER of business education before the start of the crew, and to comply with local regulations and law (Local place in Spain) and the country with the ship enters) and each settlement requested by the owner of the ship. AGENCY immediately invalidate the owner of the crew personnel change.

PERIOD OF USE The period of employment of the crew will generally EIGHTEEN months. he can not return during navigation of the ship and its fishing operation, and must work to the vessel until the vessel puts into port. When he asks to transfer to another vessel in the direction of the owner during the period of employment, it must be accepted. The shipowner notify the Agency of it at the same time that the crew was transferred to another vessel. The period of employment of the crew will be in effect from the start of the crew of Indonesia and date of arrival of Indonesia, and in relation to the entry and exit procedures, y including the passport, visa, crew entry permit. The Agency will manage the procedures in Indonesia and those in the loading and unloading area will be conducted by the shipowner.

 Employment Expenses (FISHERMEN travel costs)
"THE AGENCY" must be covered travel expenses of the air ticket. In the case of returned crews caused by have not yet completed their contract by teams possess, the agency would have the move. In the case of returned due crews they had completed their contract within a period of 18 months, the vessel owner would pay the travel costs to them. Among land the environment, the cost of returning the crew that the injury sustained while on duty will be fully paid by "shipowner" and the crew that returns by his own choice all by the "Agency" and this amount will be deducted preferentially on return of wages.

(HOWEVER, IF IN MIDDLE landed crew, the shipowner must have its own statement of the crew, expenses relating affidavit and the activity report of the captain / fishing master to the Agency.)

Working hours BOAT The parties should understand that the working hours of SPAIN crew, who are on SHIP and works, is not legally determined, and the crew applied by the body. comply with the equivalent working time crew that of Spain, and will be conducted by the leadership of captain / fishing master on the basis of the special work of fishing. The parties make a rule for the consent of the OTC band for the duration of the contract and the ship owner and the Agency jointly and strictly educate crews in this unfavorable accident the parties will not be caused, and Indonesian crew should not be treated differently crew SPAIN on the work and life of the ship. The crew must do the necessary work for vessel safety danger or rescue of the crew in the ship at any time without additional compensation.

REMUNERATION OF ACCIDENTS In case the crew died in the sea during the navigation of the ship, or on the ground, his body will be ensured by the case known as the costume. In case the decision on attacking chronic diseases, illness and disease is not clear, it will be submitted to the ACT MARINE SPAIN. Even the crew is wounded disease, is missing and died during labor crew, the agency must ensure that the promised money from the insurance so that the crew can be adequately compensated in Indonesia. (After sending the Agency a shipowner in Jakarta) All costs and expenses incurred by the gross negligence or intent of the crew will be paid by the shipowner.

The owner will pay the accommodation and boarding as well as standard with the crew during the Spanish crew of employment, and favorite food and daily necessities will be purchased at own expense of the crew.

 In case the crew performs the behavior as shown in the following, the shipowner "can punish and dismiss him. However, the owner of the vessel must notify the Agency in writing compared captain / fishing master.
a) the person who has the disease exists since the arrest of the vessel forward.
b) the person is impossible to do on board the ship by the judgment on the captain because of theft, evil, violence, drinking, disorders and action vessel disorder.
c) the person is negligent in functions and serious misconduct.
d) who attempts to escape or disclosed up the ship at Foreign Port of Spain during the period of employment. Person who is not suited to the life of the vessel.
 e) A person who receives a guilty verdict in the foreign port.
 f) A person whose discharge Article tank or buying the item except for goods authorized person without permission of the captain / fishing master.
 g) Persons who leave the ship without permission of the captain / fishing master or not the ship until the time achieved by the captain h) A person acting conflicts of illegal workers.
 i) A person who is known to cause problems in the operation of the ship

kvalifisert og profesjonell fisk arbeideren rekruttering

Plikt for skipsreder
Reder vil varsle Byrået fjorten dager før mannskapet gjøre om bord skipet ", og gjøre etaten for å utføre avgang utarbeidelse av mannskap, fartøy og ånd nødvendig på fartøyet-Sysselsetting innenfor mulig omfang før mannskapet avgang i INDONESIA.

1. Byrået skal rekruttere og levere mannskapet som oppriktig kvalitet og har kvalifisering for arbeidsforholdet rederiet.
2. Byrået skal utføre hver prosedyrer og forberedelser slik at mannskapet, som er sunt og har kvalifikasjoner som mannskapet i samsvar og regulering av Indonesia kan fravikes ved sted og dato nominert av rederiet uten problem, og må levere Rederen mannskapslisten, passnummer, sjømann bok nummer, og dokument til opptatt VISA.
3. Kontoret vil være sikker på å utdanne mannskapet om jobben og send til rederiet utdanning bok saker nødvendige før avgang av mannskapet, og rette seg etter de lokale forskrifter og lov (De lokale midler for å inkludere Spania) og landet med fartøyet inngår) og hver regulering forespurt av rederiet.
4. Byrået vil umiddelbart svakelig rederiet av personlig endring av mannskap.

Periode av ansettelses

Ansettelsesperiode mannskap vil være generelt for atten måneder. han kan ikke vende tilbake under navigeringen av fartøyet og sitt fiske drift, og må jobbe fartøyet før skipet legger til havn.

Når det overføre forespørsel til annet fartøy i henhold til retningen av rederiet i løpet av ansettelsesperioden, må det aksepteres. Rederiet vil underrette Byrået av det samtidig som mannskapet overføres til annet fartøy.

Ansettelsesperiode mannskap vil være effektiv fordi mannskapet avgang fra Indonesia og ankomst av Indonesia, og med hensyn til prosedyren for oppføring og exit inkludert pass, visum, innreise tillatelse fra mannskapet. Etaten vil håndtere prosedyrer innen Indonesia og de ​​som regionen og påstigning vil bli utført av rederiet.

"Byrået" skal dekkes reiseutgifter flybillett. In Case av de returnerte mannskaper forårsaket av de ennå ikke er ferdig med sin kontrakt av mannskaper eier vil Byrået være bære reiser.
I tilfelle de returnerte mannskaper forårsaket av de hadde avsluttet deres kontrakt innen 18 måneder, vil rederiet være bjørn sine med reiseutgifter.
Blant midten disembark, retur utgifter til mannskap som har skaden påført mens på vakt vil helt betalt av "skipsreder" og at av mannskap som returnerer etter sitt eget alternativ helt av "The Agency", og dette beløpet vil bli fortrinnsvis trukket ved remittering av lønn. (Men i tilfelle av mellom gikk i land aV cREW, rederiet må sende mannskapet egen forklaring, utgiftene peiling affidavit og fremdriftsrapport av kaptein / FISKE MASTER til byrået.)

Arbeidstid på BOAT

1) Partene er nødt til å forstå hvilke arbeids time Of SPANIA mannskapet, som gjør om bord og fungerer, ikke er lovlig bestemt, og mannskapet anvendt av etaten. vil rette seg etter arbeidstime som tilsvarer SPANIA mannskap, og det vil bli utført av retning av kaptein / FISKE MASTER basert spesielt fiske arbeid.
2) Partene lage en regel for å utføre gjensidig avtale bandet samtykke i løpet av kontraktsperioden , og rederiet og etaten vil sammen og strengt utdanne mannskapene slik at uhell ugunstige for partene ikke vil være forårsaket, og den indonesiske mannskapet skal ikke behandles annerledes enn SPANIA mannskapet på arbeid og i fartøy levende.
3) Besetningen må utføre det nødvendige arbeidet for sikkerheten som fartøy fare eller redning av mannskap i at fartøyet til enhver tid uten ytterligere kompensasjon.

PURSE SEINE  GRT 1000 -> 3000
  1. Captain // Fishing Master : NEGOTIATE
  2. Chief Off  // Chief Mate   : US 2000
  3. 2nd OFF/2nd Mate : US 1700
  4. Chief Enginer  : US 2500
  5. Bosun : US 1400
  6. Ass. Bosun : US 1000
  7. SpeedBoat Operator : US 1400
  8. Chief Cook : US 2000
  9. 2nd Cook : US 1200
  10. Reefer Man : US 800
  11. SkiffMan : US 800
  12. Greaser  : US 800
  13. Electrician : US 1200
  14. Welder : US 700
  15. Filleting Manner : US 1000
  16. DecHand//FactoryHand : US 500

  1. Captain // Fishing Master : NEGOTIATE
  2. Chief Off  // Chief Mate   : US 2000
  3. 2nd OFF/2nd Mate : US 1700
  4. Chief Enginer  : US 2500
  5. Chief Cook : US 1000
  6. Bosun : US 1250
  7. Ass Bosun : US 1000
  8. Filleting Manner : US 800
  9. Ass Filleting Manner : US 650
  10. DeckHand : US 550

  1. Captain // Fishing Master : NEGOTIATE
  2. Chief Off  // Chief Mate   : US 2000
  3. 2nd OFF/2nd Mate : US 1700
  4. Chief Enginer  : US 2500
  5. Chief Cook : US 1000
  6. Bosun : US 1250
  7. Ass Bosun : US 1000 
  8. DeckHand // FactoryHand : US 500 

Recruitment Crew For Fishing Vessel
Tlp.  62 21 93424070
Fax.  62 21 93424258

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