Showing posts with label РЫБЫ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТЬ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label РЫБЫ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТЬ. Show all posts

Innovative textiles may revolutionize seaweed farming

Seaweed harvest. (Photo Credit:
Thursday, September 11, 2014, 22:50 (GMT + 9)

Seaweed is an important but under-exploited resource for food and feed ingredients, biochemicals and the production of biofuels. But it has been difficult to harvest efficiently on a large scale. Until now. The EU-funded AT~SEA project has developed advanced textiles that give high yields from floating seaweed farms and allow easy, mechanised cultivation.

Project coordinator Bert Groenendaal of Belgium-based Sioen Industries said that farming seaweed on the scale made possible by the new textiles can help create a multi-billion euro industry in Europe – boosting growth and jobs. Sioen is one of seven companies involved in the project, along with four research centres.

“The economic potential for seaweed is huge. Businesses are interested in seaweed for many different applications such as food and food additives, animal feed, chemicals and even fuel,” Groenendaal said.
European Research, Innovation and Science Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn added: “AT~SEA is just one example among many of how EU funding helps researchers and businesses collaborate to innovate. This research will allow EU businesses to farm a valuable resource efficiently, helping them compete in global markets. Horizon 2020, the EU's new EUR 80 billion research programme supports companies and businesses in bringing new ideas from lab to market quickly and cost-effectively.”

Tests of AT~SEA’s textiles at trial sites in Solund, Norway, Oban, Scotland and Galway, Ireland have produced yields of up to 16 kg of wet seaweed per square metre – three to five times the yield of traditional seaweed farming.

Currently, seaweed is obtained by harvesting wild seaweed or by rope-based cultivation. Neither of these scale up easily as both methods are labour-intensive with relatively low yields.

The project team developed textiles that can support large numbers of seaweed plants without breaking up or attracting unwanted plants or molluscs. Bio-sourced coatings on the textiles protect young seaweed and boost growth.

The textiles are suitable for large, 1 mm-thin mats on which seaweed plants grow, held a couple of metres below the sea’s surface. When the seaweed is fully grown, ship-based machines cut the plants from the mats and direct them to flexible storage tanks made from AT~SEA’s advanced textiles.

In September 2014, AT~SEA will start cultivating 200 square metres of mats at each of the three trial sites. The aim is to evaluate their potential for commercial use. Groenendaal estimated that yields could increase to 20-25 kg per square metre as the consortium refines its techniques.

The AT~SEA consortium has applied for a patent on the textiles. After the project ends in July 2015, the consortium plans to establish a 2 to 3 hectare cultivation site through a commercial company to be spun off from AT~SEA.

Project also sees commercial uses for the textiles beyond seaweed cultivation. These uses include other types of aquaculture and flexible containers for transporting fresh water by sea.

There are many potential uses for seaweed. Some are sources of biochemicals for medicines, natural cosmetics and organic fertilisers. Others show promise for sustainable biofuel production if harvested in the quantities needed for industrial production.

Food and food ingredients are yet another potential use. Some species are farmed extensively and eaten directly in Asian countries. Here in Europe, processed foods such as chocolate milk, yoghurts, health drinks and beers contain seaweed polysaccharides such as agars, carrageenans and alginates as binders or emulsifiers. High‐value lipids and proteins, antioxidants, gelling agents, vitamins and essential minerals can also be extracted from seaweed for food production.

Large-scale seaweed farming could also have a positive impact on the ocean’s ecosystem. Farmed seaweed can help absorb excess CO2 in seawater and waste nutrients from nearby fish farms. It also provides safe habitats for wild fish and shellfish that might otherwise be threatened by fishing.

The AT~SEA project, supported with EUR 3.4 million in EU funding, brought together six SMEs, one large company and four research centres from Belgium, Ireland, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain and the UK.

The project received funding under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (2007-2013).

Fish processing firm sues Govt over trade ban

Norwegian cod. (Photo Credit: Jean Gaumy/Norwegian Seafood Council)
Click on the flag for more information about Russian Federation RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Thursday, September 11, 2014, 06:30 (GMT + 9)

A Russian fish-processing firm has filed a lawsuit against the Government with the Supreme Court due to the resolution to ban import of fish and other foodstuffs from Norway, EU, US and other countries. The firm states this measure is harming its business.
Murmansk Fish Combinat executive director Mikhail Zub considers the trade ban coming into effect last month to be amended to allow his company to continue buying now-outlawed fish from Norway, Russia's biggest salmon and herring supplier, The Moscow Times reported.
Zub deems that Norwegian supplies are the only alternative, since Chilean fish, for instance, are more expensive and come frozen, which makes them less suitable for further processing, while domestic production is unable to meet the demand.
The CEO explained that the situation is aggravated by the fact that his firm can only take live fish transported by special vessels, and nearly all of them come from foreign countries.
"We took out bank loans and fully modernized our factory last year, designed to process fresh fish coming from Norwegian waters. With a ban in place we have now stopped production," Zub claimed.
The company, which is capable of producing 70,000 tons of processed fish products annually, buys raw fish at Norwegian auctions and has already signed a contract for the purchase of 31,000 tones of cod, capelin, pollock, haddock, and herring for the second half of this year. But the plans were thwarted in early August when Russia banned the import of certain food groups, including that of live fish from Norway, EU, USA, Australia and Canada.
Another result of the ban has been the price hikes for fish, which according to the Russian Fish Company, one of the largest salmon distributors in the country, had almost doubled since the measure has come into force.
Nevertheless, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview that the government had carefully examined the possible negative effects the ban would have on Russian business.
Medvedev also stated that some further changes to restrictions could be made, as was the case with baby fish, which were excluded from the ban after the government discovered that domestic fish production could not be boosted without imported hatchlings.
Besides, the state fishery agency Rosrybolovstvo considers live fish processing is “a promising industry,” but admits that this technology is not well suited for the production of aquatic biological resources at a considerable distance from the place of coastal processing, BarentsNova informed.
The Agency is ready to take measures to increase the supply of fish for domestic coastal processing plants in the Murmansk region.
Referring to the lawsuit Deputy Head of the Federation Council’s Committee for Constitutional Legislation Konstantin Dobrynin stressed that the fact that someone has claimed such a file is “unprecedented” and “welcome,” the latter because it shows that “the subjects of the Russian legal system are not afraid to speak out against the state itself,” the Barents Observer reported.
The court meeting will be held on 11 November, according to the Supreme Court’s web site.


OBRIGADO propietario do buque
O Armador ha notificar a Axencia catorce días antes da tripulación facer a bordo no navío ", e facer a axencia para realizar a preparación do partido da tripulación, buque eo espírito necesario a bordo do buque-Emprego no ámbito posible antes da saída da tripulación en INDONESIA.

1 a axencia pode contratar e facilitar a tripulación que sinceramente calidade e ten a cualificación para o emprego do armador.
2 A Axencia realiza cada procedementos e preparación, de xeito que a tripulación, que é saudable e ten cualificación como a tripulación de acordo e regulación de Indonesia pode ser afastada en lugar e data indicada polo armador do buque, sen ningún problema e presentará o armador de lista, número do pasaporte, número do libro mariñeiro, e documento que causa a VISA.
3. A Axencia terá a certeza de educar o equipo sobre o traballo e enviar ao libro educación armador asuntos necesarios antes da saída do equipo, e respectar as normativas locais e da lei (Os medios locais a España) eo país con o buque entra) e cada regulamento solicitado polo armador do barco.
4. A Axencia será inmediatamente enfermos o armador do cambio persoal de tripulación.

Período de emprego

O período de tripulación emprego será xeralmente por dezaoito meses. el non pode volver durante a navegación do buque ea súa operación de pesca, e debe traballar na nave ata que o buque pon á porta.

Cando hai solicitude de transferencia a outro buque, segundo a dirección do propietario do buque durante o período de emprego, debe ser aceptado. O armador ha notificar a Axencia de que, á vez que a tripulación é trasladado a outra embarcación.

O período de tripulación emprego será eficaz desde a partida da tripulación de Indonesia e da data de chegada de Indonesia, e no que se refire ao procedemento de entrada e saída, incluíndo o pasaporte, visado, permiso de entrada de tripulación. A axencia vai xestionar os procedementos en Indonesia e os da rexión de embarque e desembarque serán realizados polo armador do barco.

Gastos DE EMPREGO (gastos de viaxe TRIPULACION)

"Axencia" será cuberta viaxar paso aérea gastos. No caso da tripulación retornaron causados ​​por eles aínda non teñan rematado o seu contrato por equipos de posuír, a axencia sería soportar a viaxe.
No caso de equipos volveron causados ​​por eles terminaron deles contrato no prazo de 18 meses, o armador sería oso gastos de viaxe deles.
Entre o desembarco media, os gastos de retorno da tripulación que o prexuízo sufrido durante o servizo será totalmente pagado pola "armador" e que da tripulación que regresa polo seu propio opción totalmente por "Axencia", e este valor será deducido preferentemente a remisión de salarios. (Con todo, en caso de Medio desembarcaron da tripulación, o armador deberá presentar declaración do propio grupo, os gastos de rolamento declaración eo informe do capitán / capitáns para a axencia.)


1) As partes teñen que entender que a hora de traballo da tripulación ESPAÑA, que fan a bordo e obras, non é legalmente determinada, e equipo aplicada pola Axencia. vai acatar a hora de traballo equivalente ao de tripulación ESPAÑA, e realizarase por instrución do capitán / capitán de pesca baseado no especial de traballo de pesca.
2) As partes presentan unha regra para realizar o consentimento banda común acordo durante o período do contrato, e o armador ea Axencia xuntos e educar estrictamente as tripulacións de xeito que o accidente desfavorable para as partes non serán causados​​, ea tripulación de Indonesia non debe ser tratada de forma diferente da tripulación ESPAÑA no traballo e na vida embarcación.
3) A tripulación debe realizar o traballo necesario para a seguridade de navío en perigo ou rescate de tripulación no barco que en calquera momento sen a remuneración adicional.

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 -2ND JEFE MAQUINAS : $ 1500/Mes
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- 2ND COCINERO : $ 600/Mes
- CAMARERO : $ 350/Mes
- MARINERO : $ 400/Mes

- JEFE MAQUINAS : $ 2000/Mes
-2ND JEFE MAQUINAS : $ 1500/Mes
- ENGRASADOR : $ 650 /Mes
- CONTRAMASTRE : $ 800/Mes
- COCINERO : $ 800/Mes
- 2ND COCINERO : $ 600/Mes
- CAMARERO : $ 350/Mes
- MARINERO : $ 450/Mes

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TLF. 62 21 93424070
FAX. 62 21 93424258

Salmon and trout fry not undergoing import ban

Salmon fry. (Photo: Wikipedia/FIS)
Click on the flag for more information about Russian Federation RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Thursday, August 21, 2014, 23:20 (GMT + 9)

The Russian government announced Wednesday that it will authorize the import of Atlantic salmon and trout fry from the European Union (EU), United States, Canada and other countries.
Other food products for which the import ban has been lifted are lactose-free milk and dairy products, potatoes, onions, peas and sweet hybrid corn and beans -- all these vegetables for planting --, food supplements and vitamin.
The decision is due to the lack of impact these products would have on the market, explained Vice Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich.
Earlier this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin, decided to impose a ban on food imports, including fish, from these locations for a year in response to sanctions implemented against the country over events in Ukraine.
"Our actions are: in the first place, legal, secondly, well-founded, and they will benefit the economy," the Russian president stated when he announced the beginning of the trade embargo.
At that time, he also said they were considering "additional measures" to deal with the hypothetical implementation of new sanctions from Europe or United States.
Putin admitted that four years ago the country would have been unable to implement an embargo on Western food, since Russian producers were not prepared, EFE reported.
However, the Russian Government admitted that the ban on food imports from the EU will cost "hundreds of billions of rubles" in subsidies.
Moreover, the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor) decided to lift the ban on salmon imports from two Chilean firms: Salmon Andes SA and Acuinova Chile, a subsidiary of the Galician multinational firm Pescanova.
"Rosseljoznadzor received research materials and measures taken to indicate that the companies currently meet the health requirements of Russia," reported RiaNovosti.
The Russian authorities had banned the entry of Chilean salmon and trout after detecting E.coli bacteria in some of the imported cases.
This measure can economically benefit Acuinova, which has recently undergone a creditors meeting phase.
Related article:
Control of attempts to dodge trade ban strengthened

Control of attempts to dodge trade ban strengthened

Russian Federal Fisheries Agency Rosrybolovstvo head Ilya Shestakov. (Photo: Stock File)
Click on the flag for more information about Russian Federation RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Thursday, August 21, 2014, 02:50 (GMT + 9)

The import ban on food imposed by the Russian government earlier this month has led those affected countries to consider possible alternatives to offset the situation.
And the search of ways of dodging the sanctions In view of the suspicions through re-exporting products to other markets seems to be one of the options considered by some entrepreneurs.
In view of the suspicions that "some unscrupulous importers" may be attempting to re-export the fish to profit from the situation, Russian Federal Fisheries Agency Rosrybolovstvo head Ilya Shestakov warned Russian competent authorities such as the veterinary watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor and the Federal Customs Service (FCS) will monitor such cases and check the products’ certificates of origin.
The agency informed that fresh fish might be exported to Russia from the Faroe Islands, Turkey and Tunisia.
“The Faroe islands can export chilled salmon, though not in the volumes we imported from Norway,” Shestakov told Rossiya 24 TV channel. Furthermore, he said Turkey and Tunisia could supply other chilled fishes.
Besides, mullus barbatus ponticus and Black Sea turbot would be supplied to Russian shops from Crimea, Itar-Tass informed.
One of the most seriously affected countries following the Russian boycott is Norway. Large premium Norwegian salmon producers, such as Salmar, had been exporting up to 10 per cent of their fish to Russia. Norway Royal Salmon has also sold much of its production to the country, which along with France have been Norway’s largest individual national markets, News in English informed.
Thus, the Norwegian government has promised to help the country’s huge salmon industry find new buyers for its fish like Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
Funnelling Norwegian salmon through Iceland or the Færoe Islands, which are not members of the European Union and thus not subject to Russia’s boycott could be a way of dodging the sanctions. Besides, the biggest Norwegian salmon producers, Marine Harvest and Cermaq, which have major operations in Chile, could send fish to Russia.
However, for Trond Davidsen, of the fish-farming trade association FHL, this plan is “unrealistic."
"We’ve been living with strict controls from Russia for several years now. If salmon comes into Russia from Chile, the Færoes or the UK, it’s produced there,” he argued.
Meanwhile, foreign businesses located in Russia may also face issues after the Russian import ban. This is the case of the Swedish retailer IKEA, which will stop selling Norwegian salmon - among other products - at its Russian stores.
Related articles:
- Seafood marketing activities boosted after Russian import ban
- Russian ban on Norwegian seafood poses 'a challenging situation'
- Russia bans food imports to retaliate against sanctions

Norway Royal Salmon experiences revenue drop in Q2

NRS share price development until 20 August. (Photo: NRS)
Click on the flag for more information about Norway NORWAY
Thursday, August 21, 2014, 04:20 (GMT + 9)

Norway Royal Salmon (NRS) obtained a 12 per cent fall year on year in operating revenues in the second quarter of 2014, amounting to NOK 595.7 million (USD 96.7 million) compared to the same period last year, when NOK 675.6 million (USD 109.6 million) had been obtained.
The firm reported a decrease in operational EBIT of NOK 45 million (USD 7.3 million) for the quarter, changing from NOK 71.5 million (USD 11.6 million) in 2013 to NOK 26.5 million (USD 4.3 million) this year.
Both drops were attributable to lower sales prices and lower volumes as well as the increased provision for doubtful receivables related to customers in Russia and Ukraine.
Harvests were reported to be a total of 5,382 tonnes gutted weight in the quarter, a decrease of 21 per cent from the corresponding quarter last year. As a result of accelerated harvesting and extraordinary mortality at two sites, the estimated harvested volume has been reduced by 1,400 tonnes from previous estimates.
At the end of the reporting period, total assets amounted to NOK 1,978 million (USD 321 million), representing an increase of NOK 145 million (USD 23.5 million) from the prior quarter end. The change in total assets is attributable to the increase in the Group’s receivables and in fixed assets.
The Group’s operating activities generated a positive cash flow of NOK 48.6 million (USD 7.8 million) during the quarter, which represents a decrease of NOK 86.3 million (USD 14 million) compared with the corresponding prior-year quarter.
NRS expects a 'turbulent' salmon market in the shrot term and hopes Norwegian exporters will work hard to re-allocate the volume exported to Russia to other markets and regions, such as Europe, America and Asia to avoid further market challenges and pressure on prices.
Thr firm says that for this year it forecasts the salmon worldwide offer will grow between 5 per cent and 9 per cent but in the long term, this growth could be lower, which implies more positive perspectives for the industry.

Hake depletion warned due to illegal fishing

Hake fishing. (Photo: Subpesca)
Click on the flag for more information about Chile CHILE
Thursday, August 14, 2014, 03:20 (GMT + 9)

The director of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (SERNAPESCA), José Miguel Burgos, expressed a strong rejection to illegal hake fishing, a resource that is now overfished and for which within weeks there will be a reproductive ban coming into force.
"They're depleting the hake," warned the official, who also made it clear that the Government is strengthening controls and inspection throughout the entire production chain, especially in the inter-regional roads.
Burgos highlighted that during the morning on 12 August, SERNAPESCA's staff from the regions of Maule, Metropolitana and Valparaiso, surprised five transport operators trying to sell a total of 11,500 kilograms of hake without legal documentation.
This operation follows another one performed last Saturday in Concepcion, Bío Bío Region, where 2.5 tonnes of the resource were detected, reported SERNAPESCA.
Burgos explained that the seized specimens in these checks come from the creeks of the Maule Region, such as Pellines, Iloca and Constitución.
At present, this resource is declared as overexploited fishery so the authorized quotas for 2014 declined significantly.
"This is totally useless if people do not become aware of the fact and continue acting illegally on the resource," SERNAPESCA’s director sentenced.
And he added that as the catch is not declared, "in practice it is impossible to know the extent of the fishing effort operating on the hake." For this reason, he stressed that "these practices are not only illegal but they are depleting the resource."
Meanwhile, SERNAPESCA’s director of Valparaiso Region, Marcelo Arredondo, warned that catch volumes are a sign of "a hake extinction in five years" if the authorities do not control the fishing activity.

Whitemouth croaker temporary ban enacted

Whitemouth croaker landing. (Photo: MAA)
Click on the flag for more information about Argentina ARGENTINA
Wednesday, August 06, 2014, 22:10 (GMT + 9)

The Joint Technical Commission for the Maritime Front (CTMFM) set a transitional ban area for whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri) capture in shared waters of Rio de la Plata.
The measure is in force until 31 August 2014 inclusively or until the monitoring results determine the need to modify it or render it ineffective, indicates Resolution 3/14 published in the Official Gazette.
Under the new rule, the area where whitemouth croaker fishing is prohibited is limited by the following:
  • To the north by latitude 35°10' South;
  • To the south by latitude 35°30' South;
  • To the East on the line determined by the points 35°10' South-56°40' West and 35°30' South-56°40' West;
  • To the West on line of seven miles from the coast of Argentina.

The fishing ban aims to contribute to the conservation and rational exploitation of the species by establishing closed areas to protect juvenile whitemouth croaker concentrations.
Administration bodies also requested to perform a permanent monitoring so as to channel the management.
The authorities consider that the effectiveness of the adopted conservation measures so far is at risk as the total allowable catches for the past two years have been exceeded, Pescare informed.
Therefore, they seek to annually set a catch quota per country, perform joint evaluations before the end of each year and that all vessels operating in the area have a satellite positioning system from 2015.
According to the Fisheries and Aquaculture Undersecretariat of the Nation, from 1 January to 5 August, 2014 a total of 20,255.5 tonnes of whitemouth croaker was landed in Argentine ports , 15.9 per cent less than in the first seven months of 2013, when 24,058.6 tonnes were landed.


Судовладелец будет уведомить Агентство четырнадцать дней до экипажа сделать на борту на судне ", и сделать агентства для выполнения подготовку отправления экипажа, судна и духа необходимую на судно-занятости в рамках возможного объема до экипажа отъезда в ИНДОНЕЗИЯ.


  • 1 АГЕНТСТВО будут набирать и поставить экипаж, кто искренне качества и имеет квалификацию для трудоустройства СУДОВЛАДЕЛЕЦ.
  • 2 АГЕНТСТВО выступит каждые процедуры и подготовку таким образом, что экипаж, который здоров и имеет квалификацию экипажа в соответствии и регулирования Индонезии можно Вылетел в месте и дате, выдвинутых СУДОВЛАДЕЛЕЦ без проблем и должны представить СУДОВЛАДЕЛЕЦ список экипажа, номер паспорта, номер книжки моряка, и документ, это касается, VISA.
  • 3 АГЕНТСТВО будете уверены, что воспитывать экипаж о работе и отправить книге СУДОВЛАДЕЛЕЦ образования делами необходимые перед уходом экипажа, и соблюдать местными правилами и права (местных средств включают Испания) и страны с судно входит в) и каждый регулирования с просьбой СУДОВЛАДЕЛЕЦ.
  • 4 АГЕНТСТВО сразу слабому корабля владельца персонального смены экипажа.


Период занятости экипажа будет вообще в течение восемнадцати месяцев. он не может вернуться во время навигации судна и его рыбацкой работы, и должны работать на судне, пока судно не ставит в порту.

Когда передать запрос на другой судна в соответствии с направлением судовладельца в период занятости, оно должно быть принято.СУДОВЛАДЕЛЕЦ будет уведомить Агентство о нем в то же время которой экипаж передается другим судном.

Период занятости экипажа будет эффективным после ухода экипажа из Индонезии и до даты заезда Индонезии, и в связи с процедурой вступления & выходу включая паспорт, виза, разрешение запись экипажа.АГЕНТСТВО будет обрабатывать процедур в Индонезии и те область посадки и высадки будут выполняться на корабле ВЛАДЕЛЬЦА.

"АГЕНТСТВО" должны быть покрыты транспортные расходы авиабилет. В случае возвращенных экипажей, вызванных они еще не закончили свой ​​контракт на экипажи владельцем, АГЕНТСТВО бы нести путешествия.
В случае возвращенных экипажей, вызванных они закончили их контракт в течение 18 месяцев, СУДОВЛАДЕЛЕЦ бы медведь ихние командировочных расходов.
Среди среднего высадку, возвратные расходы экипажа, который при этом травмы при исполнении служебных обязанностей полностью будет оплачены "СУДОВЛАДЕЛЕЦ" и что из экипажа, который возвращается по собственному выбору целиком на «Агентство», и эта сумма будет преимущественно вычитаются на перечисление заработной платы. (Однако, в случае СРЕДНЕГО высадились экипажа, СУДОВЛАДЕЛЕЦ должны представить собственное заявление экипажа, расходы, имеющие показания и доклад о ходе работы капитана / мастера по добыче рыбы в агентство.)


  • 1) Стороны должны будут понять, какие работы час Испании экипажа, которые делают на борту и работ, не является юридически определяется, и команда применяется Агентством. будет соблюдать рабочей час, эквивалентной Испании экипажа, и он будет выполняться руководством капитана / мастера по добыче рыбы на основе специально рыболовного работы.
  • 2) Стороны сделать правило для выполнения взаимной договоренности согласие полосы течение срока действия договора, и судовладелец и Агентство совместно и строго воспитывать экипажи так как авария неблагоприятные для сторон не будет вызываться, и индонезийская команда не должны рассматриваться по-разному от экипажа ИСПАНИИ на работе и в жизни судна.
  • 3) экипаж должен выполнить работу, необходимую для обеспечения безопасности как судна на опасности или спасения экипажа на этом судне в любое время без дополнительной компенсации.

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